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azanella edited this page Nov 11, 2013 · 4 revisions

[Introduction](Web API 0.1#introduction)

[CKANAlyze-web available Commands](Web API 0.1#commands)

[Java Model](Web API 0.1#java-model)

[Errors](Web API 0.1#errors)

##Introduction## CKAnalyze-Web offers statistics about a CKAN catalog (having its catalog name), specific statistics for a single CKAN resource (having its catalog name and resource id). In the following document we are going to present the API communication protocol.

Request / Responses

  • All requests are GET requests;
  • All requests need to be directed to /rest/COMMANDNAME;
  • All responses are in APPLICATION/JSON format

We suppose to have:

  • Catalog name : cn
  • Resource ID (CHKAn resource identifier) : rid


/stats : Offers catalog statistics



    String catalog

####Return Json CatalogStats (see example below). It contains :

  • avgColumnCount : float
  • avgResourcesFileSize : float
  • avgRowCount : float
  • avgStringLength : float
  • catalogName : string
  • colsPerType : {"datatype":[{"count":int,"typeName":string}]}
  • stringLengthsDistribution : {"distribution":[{"frequence":float,length:int}]}
  • totalColsCount : int
  • totalDatasetsCount : int
  • totalFileSizeCount : int
  • totalResourcesCount : int

####Example Request: /stats?catalog=cn



/resource-stats : Offers single resource statistics



    String catalog : string
    String idResource : string


Json CatalogStats (see example below). It contains : 
  • colsPerType : {"datatype":[{"count" : int,"typeName":string]}
  • columnCount : int
  • fileFormat : string
  • fileName : string
  • fileSize : int
  • resourceId : string
  • rowCount : int
  • stringLengthAvg : float
  • stringLengthsDistribution : {"distribution":[{"frequence":float,length:int}]}
  • url : string

####Example Request: /resource-stats?idResource=rid&catalog=cn



/is-available : checks if a specific catalog is available or not



  catalog : string


  • status : boolean

####Example: Request: /is-available?catalog=cn

Response: {"status":"true"}

/schedule-catalog : schedule a new catalog or checks last update

####GET ####Params:

   catalog : string


  • alreadyScheduled: boolean
  • lastProcessed: Java Date string format

Java Model

In this paragraph we will present briefly properties of most important ckanalyze-model POJO

enum Types {

class ResourceStats {
	String resourceId; // ckan-ID
	int rowCount;
	int columnCount;
	double stringLengthAvg;
	String fileName;
	String fileFormat;
	long fileSize;
	String url;
	List<ResourceDatatypeCount> colsPerType;
	List<StringDistribution> stringLengthsDistribution;

class CatalogStats {

	String catalogName;
	int totalDatasetsCount;
	int totalResourcesCount;
	long totalColsCount;
	double avgStringLength;
	long totalFileSizeCount;
	double avgColumnCount;
	double avgRowCount;
	List<CatalogDatatypeCount> colsPerType;
	double avgResourcesFileSize;
	List<StringDistribution> stringLengthsDistribution;

##Errors## Managed errors are treated as standard output and consists of an HTTP response with code 400.


  • errorDescription: string

In JAVA model errors are expressed using the JSONIZEDException class which contains the field

String errorDescription

Implementing a Jersey client it's easy to map this object to a real JAVA exception and to throw it.