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SQL Server database for openIMIS


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openIMIS SQL Server database

This repository contains the openIMIS database for Microsoft SQL Server.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


In order to use and develop the openIMIS database on your local machine, you first need to install:

  • Microsoft SQL Server (minimum version 2012)
  • Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)


To make a copy of this project on your local machine, please follow the next steps:

  • clone the repository
git clone
  • create a new database (i.e. openIMIS.X.Y.Z where X.Y.Z is the openIMIS database version)

  • Execute the initial database creation script fullEmpytDatabase.sql or fullDemoDatabase.sql (see "creating SQL script" section on how to get them)


In order to upgrade from the previous version of openIMIS database (see Versioning section), execute the migration script (fullMigrationSript), see "creating SQL script" to get it


For deployment please read the installation manual.

Creating SQL script

SQL files for initialisaiton or update are created using bash script or by downloading the sql-file zip from the latest release

openIMIS dockerized database

This repository provides a dockerized openIMIS database. It provides a quick setup for development, testing or demoing. It is NOT INTENDED FOR PRODUCTION USE.


  • INIT_MODE if set to demo will init the database to demo (works only if not yet init)
  • SQL_SCRIPT_URL url to init scripts
  • ACCEPT_EULA must be set to Y to accept MS SQL EULA
  • SA_PASSWORD default: IMISuserP@s
  • DB_USER_PASSWORD defautl: IMISuserP@s
  • DB_NAMEdefautl: IMIS
  • DB_USER defautl: IMISUser


Please look for the directions on the openIMIS Wiki:

Using the provided docker file, you can build a docker image running a SQL Server 2017, with a restored openIMIS backup database. This is done by giving the following ARGs to the docker build command:

docker build \
  --build-arg ACCEPT_EULA=Y \
  --build-arg SA_PASSWORD=<your secret password> \
  . \
  -t openimis-db


--build-arg SQL_SCRIPT_URL=<url to the sql script to create the database> \
  --build-arg DB_USER_PASSWORD=StrongPassword
  --build-arg DB_USER=IMISUser
  --build-arg DB_NAME=IMIS


  • by setting the ACCEPT_EULA=Y, you explicitely accept Microsoft EULA for the dockerized SQL Server 2017. Please ensure you read it and use the provided software according to the terms of that license.
  • choose a strong password (at least 8 chars,...)... or SQL Server will complain

To start the image in a docker container: docker run -p 1433:1433 openimis-db To restore the backup inside the container:

  • To spot the ID of the container: docker container ls (spot the row with openimis-db IMAGE name)

Note: the container will check if the database exist, if it doesnot it will take the latest demo release version and deploy it , SQL_SCRIPT_URL is per defautl set to "" to have data retention when container are recreated volums need to be configured as microsoft docs suggest

  • /data:/var/opt/mssql/data : database files
  • /log:/var/opt/mssql/log : logs files
  • /secrets:/var/opt/mssql/secrets : secrets

The database is writen within the container. If you want to keep your data between container execution, stop/start the container via docker stop <CONTAINER ID> / docker start <CONTAINER ID> (using docker run ... recreates a new container from the image... thus without any data)


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


To report a bug, request a new features or asking questions about openIMIS, please use the openIMIS Service Desk.


Copyright (c) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

This project is licensed under the GNU AGPL v3 License - see the file for details.