OpenJUMP (OJ) - the cross-platform open source Desktop-GIS software provides a swiss-knife of tools to analyze and edit huge GIS-datasets.
Taking the leap from sourceforge to github, from svn to git, us few volunteers of the jump pilot project hope that maybe you might join our struggle to keep OpenJUMP not only alive but contribute to it's improvement and adaptation of new and exciting standards.
NOTE: The OJ github repository and several of the extension repositories are mirrored at .
OpenJUMP was born from JUMP, an open source GIS originally developed in Java by Vividsolutions and funded by the Ministry of Natural Resources of British Columbia (Canada).
In 2007, when the state subsidies stopped, a handful of developers from different countries decided to internationalize the software's user interface and uploaded the sources to the Sourceforge platform to give it a future.
In 2017, JTS, the geometric engine that made JUMP successful continues to evolve thanks to its author Martin Davis, also one of the original authors of JUMP, but the project is now developed under the umbrella of Apache Foundation and its whole namespace changed, breaking the compatibility between JTS and OpenJUMP.
In 2021, OpenJUMP also moves to Github and in order to re-synchronize it with JTS a major refactoring is undertaken.
The migration of OpenJUMP and all its extensions may take some time and this page will be updated regularly until the first OpenJUMP2 official release.
OJ development utilizes Maven build automation and can be done with established Java IDEs like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA or others supporting mavenized java projects. For a quick introduction on how to set up OJ Core or the HelloWorld Extension have a look at this wiki article
To learn more on OpenJUMP you can check the official website or read the wiki documentation
The latest and archived releases for Windows, Linux, macOS can be downloaded from OpenJUMP project's files area.
Current development snapshots are available too at .
OJ makes use of Extensions and Drivers based on a fairly simple PlugIn API.
For an example you may have a look at the HelloWorldExtension.
Migration of extensions from OJ 1.x happened as documented below. advantage was taken of the opportunity to mavenize and modernize the migrated code.
Extensions hosted on openjump-gis group will be named xxx-extension (ex. skydriver-extension). An extension is a plugin or a set of plugins that OpenJUMP can discover automatically while loading the jar file.
Drivers are special extensions which will be named xxx-driver (ex. dxf-driver).
- GITHUB : migration from sourceforge to Github
- JTS : refactoring from com.vividsolutions.jts to org.locationtech.jts
- I18N : refactoring to use new I18N and new FeatureInstaller methods
- POM : refactoring to automatize extension distribution
- Status : status of extensions when they are not part of OpenJUMP PLUS
Extension | GITHUB | JTS | I18N | POM | |
BshEditor | x | x | x | x | |
CadTools | x | x | x | x | |
CadPlan Jump-Chart | x | x | x | x | |
CadPlan Fill-Pattern | x | x | x | x | |
CadPlan Printer | x | x | x | x | |
CadPlan Symbols | x | x | x | x | |
CadPlan Update Project | Abandoned | ||||
Color Chooser | x | x | x | x | |
ConcaveHull | x | x | x | x | |
CTS | x | x | x | Included in CORE | |
de.soldin.jump | To be done | ||||
Extension Manager | Abandoned | ||||
Five Colors | x | x | x | x | |
Graph Toolbox | x | x | x | x | |
Jump-JgraphT (lib) | x | x | x | x | Support for Graph Toolbox |
Horae | To be done | ||||
Lansdscape Analysis | To be done | ||||
MapGenToolbox | x | x | x | x | Not included in PLUS |
Matching | x | x | x | x | |
Measure Toolbox | x | x | x | x | |
OjWorldWind | Unmaintained | ||||
OpenKLEM | x | x | x | x | |
PgRouting | Unmaintained | ||||
PrintLayout | Unmaintained (?) | ||||
RoadMatcher | Unmaintained (hard work) | ||||
SetAttributes | x | x | x | x | |
Sextante | x | x | x | x | |
SISJUMP | Unmaintained | ||||
SkyPrinter | x | x | x | x | Included in CORE |
Text-utils (lib) | x | x | x | Support for Matching ext. | |
Topology | x | x | x | x | |
ViewManager | x | x | x | x |
Extension | GITHUB | JTS | I18N | POM | |
CSV driver | x | x | x | x | |
DXF driver | x | x | x | x | |
KML driver | x | x | x | x | |
OsmFileReader | Unmaintained | ||||
PostGIS | Deprecated (included in CORE) | ||||
RasterLayer Export | Unmaintained | ||||
SpatialDatabases | Unmaintained | ||||
Spatialite driver | x | Unmaintained |
RoadMatcher | GITHUB | ssinger | | 2009: Not ready for OJ2 |
LogisticTools | GITHUB | fduque | | 2019 : Not ready for OJ2 |
Morphometric analysis | GITHUB | burakbeyhan | | 2021 : Not ready for OJ2 |
Maximum Inscribed Circle | GITHUB | burakbeyhan | | 2020 : Not ready for OJ2 |
Delineation of functional and planning regions | GITHUB | burakbeyhan | | 2020 : Not ready for OJ2 |
GeOxygen | Sourceforge | oxygene-project | | 2014 : Not Ready for OJ2 |
SMT:SAR Management Toolkit | Sourceforge | sarmanager | | 2016 : not ready for OJ2 |
Geo Arbores Raster Tools | Sourceforge | GiuseppeAruta | | 2022 : ported to OJ2 not integrated |
OJ+ocient driver | GITHUB | Xeograph | | 2021 : OpenJUMP 2 compatible |
OSMM-GML Mod | GITHUB | szhou68 | | 2018 : Not ready for OJ2 |
Drillgis driver | GITHUB | k255 | | 2015 : Not ready for OJ2 |
MonetDB driver | GITHUB | DennisPallett | | 2013 : Not ready for OJ2 |