# Create a Postgres database and configure an environment variable:
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://user:pass@localhost/mydatabase
# Install the dashboard requirements
virtualenv env.dashboard
. env.dashboard/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Start the server
# Grab a daily snapshot of twitter statistics for our accounts.
# The account list is coded into the script.
./ --verbose
# Grab a daily snapshot of facebook likes statistics for our account.
./ --verbose
# This runs a daily job to snapshot the web hits of all our websites.
# You'll need to mess around with getting OAuth set up to create a sample.dat authentication file.
# Eg. try the example scripts from:'
# We store this file into an environment variable, GOOGLEANALYTICS_AUTH.
# If you're hooked up to heroku, you can just steal it from there (heroku run 'echo $GOOGLEANALYTICS_AUTH')
./ daily --verbose
# This runs a daily job to snapshot the watchers, forks and other statistics of our repositories.
./ daily --verbose
# The scraper connects to the public Mailman archives to download user activity.
./ --verbose
# It also runs a daily job to snapshot the number of subscribers and daily posts to each mailing list.
# This accesses the subscriber roster, which requires a password set in an environment variable.
# NOTE: This will record 0 posts-per-day unless the activity scraper has been run first!
export MAILMAN_ADMIN=password1234...
./ --verbose
The system is deployed on Heroku. Procfile
declares the web frontend to be run. The Scheduler add-on runs each of the snapshot_*.py
and getactivity_*.py
scripts at regular intervals to keep the database up-to-date.
Get set up with the Heroku toolbelt
Get your Heroku account authorized as a collaborator on the activityapi project
Add the heroku remote and start pushing. Try to keep it in sync with Github!
git remote add heroku
You can interact with the database and scrapers via Python's interactive terminal. For example:
(%activityapi)$ DATABASE_URL=postgresql://localhost/zephod python
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Jun 16 2011, 16:59:05)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from lib.backend import model,Session
Pull snapshots from the database:
>>> query = Session.query(model.SnapshotOfFacebook).order_by(model.SnapshotOfFacebook.timestamp.desc()).limit(5)
>>> query[0].toJson()
{'timestamp': '2013-02-20', 'likes': 2840}
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint( [ x.toJson() for x in query ] )
[{'likes': 2840, 'timestamp': '2013-02-20'},
{'likes': 2820, 'timestamp': '2013-02-18'},
{'likes': 2812, 'timestamp': '2013-02-17'},
{'likes': 2798, 'timestamp': '2013-02-16'},
{'likes': 2775, 'timestamp': '2013-02-15'}]