ADD #1028 : Add functions to delete runs, flows, datasets, and tasks (e.g., openml.datasets.delete_dataset).
ADD #1144 : Add locally computed results to the OpenMLRun object’s representation if the run was created locally and not downloaded from the server.
ADD #1180 : Improve the error message when the checksum of a downloaded dataset does not match the checksum provided by the API.
ADD #1201 : Make OpenMLTraceIteration a dataclass.
DOC #1069 : Add argument documentation for the OpenMLRun class.
FIX #1197 #559 #1131: Fix the order of ground truth and predictions in the OpenMLRun object and in format_prediction.
FIX #1198 : Support numpy 1.24 and higher.
FIX #1216 : Allow unknown task types on the server. This is only relevant when new task types are added to the test server.
MAINT #1155 : Add dependabot github action to automatically update other github actions.
MAINT #1199 : Obtain pre-commit’s flake8 from instead of
MAINT #1215 : Support latest numpy version.
MAINT #1218 : Test Python3.6 on Ubuntu 20.04 instead of the latest Ubuntu (which is 22.04).
MAINT #1221 #1212 #1206 #1211 : Update github actions to the latest versions.
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