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Web Conference 2021.12.14 Curb

Michael Schnuerle edited this page Dec 14, 2021 · 6 revisions

Web Conference - Curb Working Group

  • Every other week Tuesday call at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Meeting ID: 898 5980 7668 - Passcode 320307

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,89859807668#,,,,*320307# US (New York)

Dial by phone: +1 929 436 2866 (US) (Find your local number)


Main Topics

  1. Welcome and process (5 min) - Brian Hamlin, SDOT
  2. CDS Launch Plan (5 min) - Angela Giacchetti, OMF
  3. CDS Final Review for v1.0 CDS release (45 min) - Michael Schnuerle (OMF)


  • Hosts: Brian Hamlin (SDOT)
  • Note Taker: Elias Khoury, City of San Jose
  • Facilitator: Michael Schnuerle (OMF)
  • Outreach: ...



Action Items

  1. Use CDS
  2. Write blog posts about CDS
  3. Participate in OMF launch of CDS


OMF Curb Workgroup 12/14/2021 scheduled at 9 AM PST

9:05 AM Brian Hamlin (SDOT) and Steering Committee Chair kicked off the meeting

  • Discussed Zoom housekeeping items
  • Provided a quick agenda overview
  • Provided background about CDS specifications and the related work with the goal to optimize commercial curb activities
  • Briefly presented the CDS specs graphic showing the flow of data and interrelationships between Curbs API, Events API, and Metrics API
  • Discussed how Github is used for spec development
  • Announced the goal of release announcement of CDS v1.0 in January 2022
  • Handed the conversation to Angela Giacchetti to talk about the Release Communication Plan

9:09 AM Angela Giacchetti (OMF)

  • Talked about the work that was done to identify the needed resources for the Release

  • Focus on educating cities and members

  • A CDS web page will be created like MDS

  • A webinar will be created

    For the release announcement and finalization in January, the following steps will be taken:

  1. Review release with Privacy Committee
  2. Then the Governance Process
    1. WGSC Vote
    2. Technology Council
    3. OMF Board
  3. Announce the release on all OMF channels, social media, and webinar (with those who are not attending the meetings on a regular basis in mind)

Added: goal is to have the release and announcement complete by the end of January. Stressed the need for continued collaborative efforts and participation.

Ways to participate:

  1. Implement CDS and provide feedback. Lots of resources have been created.
  2. Participate in Workgroup meetings and discussions
  3. Share the announcement
  4. Utilize the resources created by OMF
  5. Add your own organization’s voice to the conversation such as sharing use cases and experiences with the broader community.

Angela opened the floor for discussion and provided her email contact in chat.

9:18 AM Michael Schnuerle (OMF)

Started by expressing appreciation to all the work that has been completed and those who participated.

  • Announced the election of the 2 WGSC co-chairs
    • Jacob Larson (City of Omaha)
    • Marisa Mangan (SANDAG)
  • Brief introductions were followed by Jacob and Marisa
  • Members thanked Brian Hamlin (SDOT) for his leadership in the past year

Michael then provided some general insight on the Open Discussions items that were resolved in the past week and how feedback was incorporated in the decision making. He also stated that there is still work to be done. Pointed out the importance of using CDS for real world impact and feedback to improve.

Michael then discussed the following items in the Open Discussions:

  • Global Provider ID including Provider ID and Provider Name: at agency’s discretion a Provider ID or Provider Name can be utilized. Example: a nationwide wide company most likely will use a Provider ID while a small business in a community will use a Provider Name

  • How to ID a vehicle?

    • License Plate Number (facilitates the use of ALPR technology but comes with Privacy concerns to be framed with guidance). It is an optional field and will be presented to the Privacy Committee.
    • Vehicle ID
    • Source ID (UUID) can be generated automatically
    • Under consideration for next release
      • VIN
      • Digital Permit Number
  • Curb ID stability discussion: what happens when it changes. If it is major geometry change, the Zone ID needs to change. But for other changes added:

    • Published Date
    • Last Updated Date
    • An array for previous curb zone IDs
    • An array for previous policies
      • Policy IDs
      • Start Date
      • End Date
  • If a change happened to a policy, then a new policy is generated

    • Added Published Date
  • Optional add: show_ historic to allow old zones/policies to be searchable in a query

Brian Hamlin commented on the need to have cities test and provide feedback

Michael Schnuerle ditto’ed that and asked for real world feedback after implementing the CDS specs. Added with an explanation for the ability to do minor releases for minor changes and enhancements with V1.1, and if a major change is needed, then we can move to a longer process with V2.0. Also, mentioned that the specs provide flexibility for implementation.

Michael moved on to mention that there is still one item that is not complete which is clarifying/renaming some of the field names which will be worked on between now and the next week.

Michael continued to explain that there are other changes that have been incorporated but still open for discussion if there are any concerns. He then moved to show how work on Github is done. Some of the discussions will be finalized and placed as release candidates.

Michael asked Jascha to provide feedback as he is stepping down from OMF to assume a position with the City of Boston.

Jascha expressed his sadness for leaving and appreciated the collaboration he had with the group. He also expressed excitement about his new position and hoped to stay in touch with OMF. He also complimented Michael and Angela.

Angela expressed need to have members engage and to have more colleagues within each organization involved.

9:48 AM Michael thanked everyone and indicated that the next meeting will be in January. the meeting ended with Holiday wishes.

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