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Configuring the Application

mjumbewu edited this page May 11, 2012 · 3 revisions

Configuring the Application

Set up the data

Browse to the admin home at http://<appurl>/admin. Login with the credentials you created during syncdb. Under Project > Places, you can add new places one at a time, or in bulk. To add in bulk, you must have a CSV file with two columns named 'lat' and 'lon'.

After you have added places, browse back to the admin home and then to Project > Criteria. Choose Add a criterion. The prompt is meant to complete the question "Which street is more ________?". For example, a criterion prompt could be 'beautiful'. If you want to change the structure of the question, you will have to edit the index.html template.

At this point, after you have multiple points and a criterion, you will be able to start rating.

Other configuration

Browse back to the admin home, and then to Sites > Sites. By default the name and url for the application are both "". Set sensible values for these here.

Now, from the admin home, browse to Sites > Site configurations. Add a new configuration and select the site according to the name you have chosen. Here you can set other config values such as the Google Analytics key, the AddThis key, and about text.