Improve Your Digital Audio Recordings
To install you need:
- FFTW and
- Boost
- CMake
- ronn
Acquire the source code (e.g. by cloning this repository). Go to the root folder and create a build folder:
cd scape-xcorrsound
mkdir build
cd build
Now let CMake do its job and create a build system and then start the compilation.
cmake ..
You can download the debian package from
On Debian/Ubuntu you can install the debian package using this command:
sudo dpkg -i scape-xcorrsound*deb
Example: overlap-analysis
overlap-analysis <file1.wav> <file2.wav> [v<log level>]
Output example:
The best match was below the threshold of 0.2
Best at sample number: 11520000
Best at second: 240
Value of match was: 0.132016
In the log various information relating to the wav files can be found,
such as samplerate, number of channels and so on.
----------------------- wav header start -----------------------
ChunkSize: 57600036
Format: WAVE
----------------------- wav header end -----------------------
----------------------- wav subchunk start -----------------------
Subchunk1ID: fmt �
Subchunk1Size: 16
AudioFormat: 1
NumChannels: 2
SampleRate: 48000
ByteRate: 192000
BlockAlign: 4
BitsPerSample: 16
Subchunk2ID: data
Subchunk2Size: 57600000
----------------------- wav subchunk end -----------------------
----------------------- wav header start -----------------------
ChunkSize: 57600036
Format: WAVE
----------------------- wav header end -----------------------
----------------------- wav subchunk start -----------------------
Subchunk1ID: fmt �
Subchunk1Size: 16
AudioFormat: 1
NumChannels: 2
SampleRate: 48000
ByteRate: 192000
BlockAlign: 4
BitsPerSample: 16
Subchunk2ID: data
Subchunk2Size: 57600000
----------------------- wav subchunk end -----------------------
XCORRSOUND is copyright 2012 State and University Library, Denmark released under GPLv2, see COPYING or
- CMAKE flags for release, ie. optimized heavily
- bugfix with silence detection
- waveform-block-similarity in the output
- Micro site