U2025.01.31-1152: Automatic merge of T1.5.1-1502-g934fd3a3b and 15 pull requests
- Pull request #892 at 1f5ba4c81: Signal Function OPP_SIG_ID_TRAINPATH
- Pull request #961 at eb9c6014f: Improvements for Power Supplies
- Pull request #1003 at 601390533: Clean up logging during loading #or-std-log
- Pull request #1010 at 6a1060f0e: Fix: TrainDrivingInfo window width not stable.
- Pull request #1016 at 5a94c4e62: Route all logging via Trace #or-std-log
- Pull request #1021 at 7dec77277: Various traincar operations windows fixes
- Pull request #1026 at 6a89a97b0: Fix for Multiplayer: remote trains chuff can't be heard https://bugs.launchpad.net/or/+bug/2092771
- Pull request #1029 at ac798e99b: DynaTrax Support for Superelevation
- Pull request #1033 at 171dc86ca: Multiple signal light textures per signal
- Pull request #1036 at 04199ff85: Trans: update Spanish
- Pull request #1037 at a0c42bf8f: Fix OR manual about custom animation speeds
- Pull request #900 at c27f32d9c: DMI updates
- Pull request #876 at f92de7665: docs: add source for documents previously on website to source Documentation folder
- Pull request #896 at f1681df56: First implementation of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/or/+spec/specific-sounds-for-ai-trains
- Pull request #1001 at 6d1434414: Telemetry collection and menu options #or-telemetry-system