This workshop provides an introduction to OpenShift Pipelines with Tekton. Please check releases for the latest version of the workshop and also make sure to note if a version released has been deprecated.
Audience Experience Level | Intermediate |
Supported Number of Users | One per cluster [1] |
Average Time to Complete | 30 minutes |
The workshop uses the HomeRoom workshop environment in the learning portal configuration. You will need to be a cluster admin in order to deploy it.
When the URL for the workshop environment is accessed, a workshop session will be created on demand.
The workshop is found in the catalog under the Workshops folder and is named OCP4 Pipelines Workshop.
Once the cluster is deployed, follow the directions in the next section to begin the workshop itself.
Login to the RHPDS cluster.
oc login ...
Clone AgnosticD:
git clone
Install dependencies such as Python headers (Python.h), on Fedora:
sudo dnf install python3-dev
Setup Virtual Env:
cd agnosticd/ansible
python3 -mvenv ~/virtualenv/ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-01-22
. ~/virtualenv/ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-01-22/bin/activate
pip install -r
Run the playbooks:
ansible-playbook -c local -i ${TARGET_HOST}, configs/ocp-workloads/ocp-workload.yml \
-e ansible_python_interpreter=python \
-e ocp_workload=${WORKLOAD} \
-e guid=${GUID} \
-e project_name=${WORKSHOP_PROJECT} \
-e ocp_username=${OCP_USERNAME} \
-e ACTION="create" \
--extra-vars '{"num_users": 5}'
Access labs
project and click to the Homeroom route.
WARNING: Homeroom is EOL and not supported outside RHPDS.
To deploy the workshop, first clone this Git repository to your own machine. Use the command:
git clone --recurse-submodules --branch 1.0
The --recurse-submodules
option ensures that Git submodules are checked out. If you forget to use this option, after having clone the repository, run:
git submodule update --recursive --remote
Next create a project in OpenShift into which the workshop is to be deployed.
oc new-project workshops
From within the top level of the Git repository, now run the command below.
The name of the pod used to start the workshop will be lab-tekton-pipelines-spawner
Access homeroom URL:
Users will enter the following information:
Key | Value |
Username | userX (e.g. user1) |
Password | openshift |
After logging in, the workshop takes a few seconds to start:
Once the workshop begins, users are presented with a two panel interface:
On the left are the instructions users will follow for the workshop. The workshop itself explains how to use the interface, but generally speaking users will follow the directions on the left, with navigation buttons appearing at the end of each section. Text that is highlighted with a yellow background may be clicked to have the operation automatically executed in the cluster on the right.
By default, users are presented with the terminal, which contains (among other things) an authenticated oc
WARNING: Homeroom is EOL and not supported outside RHPDS.
To delete the spawner and any active sessions, including projects, run:
To delete the build configuration for the workshop image, run:
To delete any global resources which may have been created, run:
WARNING: Homeroom is EOL and not supported outside RHPDS.
The deployment created above will use an image from
for this workshop based on the master
branch of the repository.
To make changes to the workshop content and test them, edit the files in the Git repository and then run:
This will replace the existing image used by the active deployment.
If you are running an existing instance of the workshop, if you want to start over with a fresh project, first delete the project used for the session.
oc delete project $PROJECT_NAMESPACE
Then select "Restart Workshop" from the menu top right of the workshop environment dashboard.
When you are happy with your changes, push them back to the remote Git repository.
If you need to change the RBAC definitions, or what resources are created when a project is created, change the definitions in the templates
directory. You can then re-run:
and it will update the active definitions.
Note that if you do this, you will need to re-run:
to have any local content changes be used once again as it will revert back to using the image on