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One or more commands or instructions in a scenario fail to execute cleanly
Capacity Limit
Capacity Limit
A capacity error was encountered when trying to run a scenario
Capacity Request - Scheduled
Capacity Request - Scheduled
State of a capacity request that has been scheduled in the system
Capacity Request
Capacity Request
Request for a temporary increase in available scenarios at a specific time
Non-command or instruction problem in a scenario, such as a typo or inaccurate screenshot
Enhancement Request
Enhancement Request
Request for new content or updates to existing content
Tracker issue that captures a number of steps, such as an audit or QA story
Issues that do not involve specific scenario content and must be addressed by the Katacoda team
Topic: AI / ML
Topic: AI / ML
Topic: Developing on OpenShift
Topic: Developing on OpenShift
Topic: Enterprise Java
Topic: Enterprise Java
Topic: GitOps
Topic: GitOps
Topic: Kafka
Topic: Kafka
Topic: knative
Topic: knative
Topic: Kogito
Topic: Kogito
Topic: OpenShift Basics
Topic: OpenShift Basics
Topic: Operators
Topic: Operators
Topic: Quarkus
Topic: Quarkus
Topic: ServiceMesh
Topic: ServiceMesh
Topic: SpringBoot
Topic: SpringBoot
Topic: Storage
Topic: Storage
Topic: Subsystems
Topic: Subsystems
Topic: VertX
Topic: VertX
New bug that has not been acknowledged or categorized by the team.