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goltermann edited this page Mar 3, 2016 · 11 revisions

Proposed end-of-milestone timeline. Slips and actual dates also noted.

  • Feb 5 - 1.2 feature complete (actual Feb 9)
    • only bugfixes, not features after this date
    • begin code slush on head, turn away features and large refactors
    • cut Alpha release candidate
  • Feb 19 (+2w from Alpha) - declare Beta (actual Mar 4)
    • cut Beta RC and branch head to a 1.2-only branch
    • end code slush on master, open for 1.3+ work
    • focus on testing
  • Mar 7 (+2w from Beta) - release 1.2 (actual TBD, probably 1-2w after Mar 4 Beta)
    • this will depend on stability and bugs remaining
    • continued focus on test
    • focus on documentation

Key features

  • Scalability

    • More nodes
    • More pods per node
  • Wrap up features that were in flight during the 1.1 timeframe

    • Horizontal pod auto-scaling API
      • add custom metrics
    • Ingress API
    • Job API
    • DaemonSet API
    • Deployment API
    • ConfigMap API
    • Make it easier to create resources
      • Namespace generation
      • Secret/config generation
      • export and convert
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