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Diane Mueller edited this page Jan 16, 2014 · 2 revisions


This package is a general-purpose stand-alone index of quickstarts and cartridges for the OpenShift hosting platform.

This repository contains two major components:

  1. A basic user interface for browsing, searching, and launching open cloud compatible applications and services, built with help from Angular-js and Twitter bootstrap.
  2. Default content for the index, which is loaded from the included quickstart.json file.

Host your own index

You can spin up your own hosted instance of this project on OpenShift Online in a single click, or use the rhc command line tool to help configure your local development environment and your OpenShift-hosted environment in a single step:

rhc app create index nodejs-0.10 --from-code=

Data Specification

Every entry in the quickstatart.json file should include the following attributes:

  "name": "Ghost",
  "website": "",
  "version": "0.1",
  "initial_git_url": "",
  "cartridges": ["nodejs-0.10"],
  "env_variables": {"name1":"value1","name2":"value2"},
  "tags": ["node.js","ghost","blog"],
  "description": "Ghost is a free, open, simple blogging platform that's available to anyone who wants to use it"

The above data should comply with the following format guidelines:

  • name - a simple string, no hyphens, spaces, or other special characters allowed (a-zA-Z0-9)
  • website - URL pointing to a project homepage (or to a live demo)
  • version - The release version for this project, usually a numeric string.
  • git_repo_url - a URL that points to the project's source code.
  • cartridges - csv list of strings, starting with the base cartridge type, and continuing with any additional cartridge-based dependencies
  • env_variables - a hash of name, value pairs that can be used to intialize the application
  • tags - a csv list of relevant terms and labels
  • description - a basic project description in plain text, with all double-quotes escaped (replacing all instances of " with \").

Pull requests that don't meet this criteria will be rejected.

Contribute via Pull Request

  1. Fork the upstream project repository at:

  2. Add an openshift-compatible service or application to the project's quickstarts.json file, making sure to include each of the required fields.

  3. Add and Commit your changes locally:

     git add quickstart.json
     git commit -m 'Adding a Wordpress application to the project index'
  4. Push your changes to GitHub:

     git push
  5. Then, send us a Pull Request and we'll update our hosted index


OpenShift Origin, except where otherwise noted, is released under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file located in each component directory.

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