Bots are special Telegram accounts designed to handle messages automatically. Users can interact with bots by sending them command messages in private or group chats.
You control your bots using HTTPS requests to Telegram Bot API.
The Bot API is an HTTP-based interface created for developers keen on building bots for Telegram. To learn how to create and set up a bot, please consult Introduction to Bots and Bot FAQ.
PHP Telegram SDK for the Telegram Bot API.
This library is under active development and should be considered beta quality. Please ensure that you've tested extensively on a test network and have added sanity checks in other places in your code.
The repository is a part of the OpenSourceWebsite Organization. This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the Code of Conduct.
See the release notes for breaking changes.
Please read through Telegram Bot API Documentation.
Please read through our Contribution Guidelines.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require opensourcewebsite-org/php-telegram-sdk
or add
"opensourcewebsite-org/php-telegram-sdk": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
$bot = new \TelegramBot\Api\BotApi('YOUR_BOT_API_TOKEN');
$bot->sendMessage($chatId, $messageText);
$bot = new \TelegramBot\Api\BotApi('YOUR_BOT_API_TOKEN');
$document = new \CURLFile('document.txt');
$bot->sendDocument($chatId, $document);
$bot = new \TelegramBot\Api\BotApi('YOUR_BOT_API_TOKEN');
$keyboard = new \TelegramBot\Api\Types\ReplyKeyboardMarkup(array(array("one", "two", "three")), true); // true for one-time keyboard
$bot->sendMessage($chatId, $messageText, null, false, null, $keyboard);
$bot = new \TelegramBot\Api\BotApi('YOUR_BOT_API_TOKEN');
$keyboard = new \TelegramBot\Api\Types\Inline\InlineKeyboardMarkup(
['text' => 'link', 'url' => '']
$bot->sendMessage($chatId, $messageText, null, false, null, $keyboard);
$bot = new \TelegramBot\Api\BotApi('YOUR_BOT_API_TOKEN');
$media = new \TelegramBot\Api\Types\InputMedia\ArrayOfInputMedia();
$media->addItem(new TelegramBot\Api\Types\InputMedia\InputMediaPhoto(''));
$media->addItem(new TelegramBot\Api\Types\InputMedia\InputMediaPhoto(''));
// Same for video
// $media->addItem(new TelegramBot\Api\Types\InputMedia\InputMediaVideo(''));
$bot->sendMediaGroup($chatId, $media);
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
try {
$bot = new \TelegramBot\Api\Client('YOUR_BOT_API_TOKEN');
//Handle /ping command
$bot->command('ping', function ($message) use ($bot) {
$bot->sendMessage($message->getChat()->getId(), 'pong!');
//Handle text messages
$bot->on(function (\TelegramBot\Api\Types\Update $update) use ($bot) {
$message = $update->getMessage();
$id = $message->getChat()->getId();
$bot->sendMessage($id, 'Your message: ' . $message->getText());
}, function () {
return true;
} catch (\TelegramBot\Api\Exception $e) {
$ composer test
To request a new feature, submit a bug report, give us feedback, start a design discussion or have an idea to make this code better feel free to open an issue, or create a pull request.
Please send all security issues to
This project is open source and available freely under the MIT license.