A free open public domain National Football League (NFL) database 'n' schema for use in any (programming) language (e.g. uses plain text fixtures/data sets).
Use the sportdb
command line tool to build your own football.db
from the plain text fixtures. Example:
Step 1: Get a copy of the world.db
$ git clone git://github.com/openmundi/world.db.git
Step 2: Get a copy of the american-football.db
$ git clone git://github.com/opensport/american-football.db.git
Step 3: Let's build the football.db
$ sportdb setup --include ./american-football.db --worldinclude ./world.db
That's it.
See the sportdb
command line tool project for more.
The schema, data and scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Send them along to the Open Sports Database & Friends Forum/Mailing List. Thanks!