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Benjamin Mwalimu edited this page Mar 4, 2022 · 2 revisions


Naming Conventions

  • When using abbreviations in CamelCase, keep the first letter capitalized and lowercase the remaining letters. For example
    • A "Keycloak OAuth Id" variable name must be written as oAuthId

Branch Naming

Create a new branch using the following naming convention:


For example:



Unit Tests

Naming Conventions

We follow the following naming convention for our test cases:




Code formatting

Spotless license update and formatting

Spotless is a general-purpose formatting plugin that we are using to manage our file formatting and license addition to our project files. Read more about the spotless integration here

How to use

  1. mvn spotless:check -- Helps check for files that aren't formatted as the formatting plugin requires.
  2. mvn spotless:apply -- Applies the formatting and adds license headers to the project files.
# Code Reviews

PRs can only be merged if all of the following requirements are met:
* Require approval from at-least one reviewer 
* Require all checks in the PR templates to be completed
* Require status checks to pass before merging
* Require branches to be up to date before merging