(Updated 2019-08-13)
- The latest mlx live script files contain all the results/answers of the codes.
- For those who only want to browse the codes online without git clone or downloading the zip file, you can access the code in the M_filesFolder.
- If you want to access the original files, you can click on the branch 2019-08-08 on github and download that zip file instead.
- This repository contains files and codes for a training course in "4D nuclear tracking and cell dynamics analysis" in summer 2019.
- The course and codes use MATLAB.
- The aim of this course is to introduce 4D cell tracking and cell dynamics analysis techniques for investigating dynamics of multicellular systems.
- The course assumes that the audience do not have prior knowledge of programming.
- It will introduce the use of the software package MATLAB and general scientific programming.
- It will then introduce essential image processing techniques to segment 4D images, labelling interested regions and tracking them over time.
- The course will also introduce the use of public database SSBD and to use the images and resources in SSBD for segmentation, tracking and analysis.