Monitors alerta service and report alerts to Zulip
Next environment variables should be set:
export DB_HOST='';
export DB_PORT='';
export DB_USER='';
export DB_PASSWORD='';
export ALERTA_API_KEY='';
export ZULIP_EMAIL='';
export ZULIP_API_KEY='';
export ZULIP_TYPE='';
export ZULIP_TO='';
export ZULIP_SUBJECT='';
export ZULIP_SITE=''
table store configuration elements for alerta client:
- alerta_debug - bool
- alerta_endpoint - str
- alerta_timeout - int
table for store templates
- template_name - str
- template_data - str
table for store topic and it's connection to template
- topic_name - str,
- zulip_to - Zulip stream name,
- zulip_subject - Zulip subject,
- templ_id = templates.template_id