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Cirque Command Line Interface

mingchik edited this page Jul 15, 2020 · 2 revisions

Cirque Command Line Interface


Cirque provides a CLI interface that gives developers an alternative way of accessing the cirque functionalities without spinning up either a grpc or flask services. This would dramatically reduce the setup time for developers who would like to develop features in cirque project or leverage cirque functionalities on some other projects.


Ciruque CLI

Supported Command:

tab completion supported.

~/Github$ sudo venv-test/bin/python3 -m cirque.common.cirqueprompt --thread_path Github/cirque/openthread/output/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin
Welcome to cirque shell 1.7.6
cirque> help
Documented commands (use 'help -v' for verbose/'help <topic>' for details):
close_device   create_home   device_state  help     home_devices  run_exec
create_device  destroy_home  exit          history  homes         version
cirque> help close_device
close cirque device
   --home_id (str): device under specific home_id, if not
           given, automatically set to current home_id.
   --device_id (str): device id
   close_device [--home_id <home_id>] --device_id <device_id>


# create_home
cirque> create_home
home_id: 0 created!
# create a wifi_ap
cirque> create_device --type wifi_ap
wifi_ap created in home_id: 0!!
device id: 0130ef03dd24f4fbb76c332a776c9f50b7ecccf3feda786c1853f1e377845a2b
# create a generic node with WiFI, Thread, Interactive capabilities and set thread mode to
# rcp
cirque> create_device --type generic_node_image --capability WiFi,Thread,Interactive --thread_mode rcp
generic_node_image created in home_id: 0!!
device id: 3dbe0781bfb2a9ae52a4c4963108a40d9210d915165f262b58461e92afa82776
# list home devices
cirque> home_devices
home id: 0
home devices: {
        { 'base_image': 'mac80211_ap_image',
          'capability': { 'WiFi': { }},
          'description': { 'psk': 'WQDO9RC2',
                           'ssid': 'wifiap-NMAT2',
                           'type': 'wifi_ap'},
                           'id': '0130ef03dd24f4fbb76c332a776c9f50b7ecccf3feda786c1853f1e377845a2b',
                           'name': 'compassionate_cannon',
                           'type': 'wifi_ap'},
       { 'base_image': 'generic_node_image',
         'capability': { 'Interactive': { },
                         'Thread': { },
                         'WiFi': { },
                         'external': { }},
          'description': { 'ipv4_addr': ''},
          'id': '3dbe0781bfb2a9ae52a4c4963108a40d9210d915165f262b58461e92afa82776',
          'name': 'loving_dubinsky',
          'type': 'generic_node_image'}}
# run wifi scan on generic node
cirque> run_exec --device_id 3dbe0781bfb2a9ae52a4c4963108a40d9210d915165f262b58461e92afa82776 --command iwlist wlan0 scanning
args.command: iwlist wlan0 scanning
command result:
ExecResult(exit_code=0, output=b'wlan0     Scan completed :\n          Cell 01 - Address: 02:00:00:00:00:00\n                    Channel:6\n                    Frequency:2.437 GHz (Channel 6)\n                    Quality=70/70  Signal level=-30 dBm  \n                    Encryption key:on\n                    ESSID:"wifiap-NMAT2"\n                    Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 6 Mb/s\n                              9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s\n                    Bit Rates:24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 48 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s\n                    Mode:Master\n                    Extra:tsf=0005aa7174aea981\n                    Extra: Last beacon: 12ms ago\n                    IE: Unknown: 000C7769666961702D4E4D415432\n                    IE: Unknown: 010882848B960C121824\n                    IE: Unknown: 030106\n                    IE: Unknown: 2A0104\n                    IE: Unknown: 32043048606C\n                    IE: IEEE 802.11i/WPA2 Version 1\n                        Group Cipher : TKIP\n                        Pairwise Ciphers (1) : TKIP\n                        Authentication Suites (1) : PSK\n                    IE: Unknown: 3B025100\n                    IE: Unknown: 7F080400400000000040\n\n')
# checking device status and information
cirque> device_state --device_id 0130ef03dd24f4fbb76c332a776c9f50b7ecccf3feda786c1853f1e377845a2b
device state: { 'base_image': 'mac80211_ap_image',
 'capability': {'WiFi': {}},
 'description': {'psk': 'WQDO9RC2', 'ssid': 'wifiap-NMAT2', 'type': 'wifi_ap'},
 'id': '0130ef03dd24f4fbb76c332a776c9f50b7ecccf3feda786c1853f1e377845a2b',
 'name': 'compassionate_cannon',
 'type': 'wifi_ap'}
# close device
cirque> close_device --device_id 3dbe0781bfb2a9ae52a4c4963108a40d9210d915165f262b58461e92afa82776
device: 3dbe0781bfb2a9ae52a4c4963108a40d9210d915165f262b58461e92afa82776 closed!!
# create multiple homes
cirque> create_home
home_id: 1 created!
# list all created homes
cirque> homes
['0', '1']
# tear down a specific home
cirque> destroy_home --home_id 0
closing device: 0130ef03dd24f4fbb76c332a776c9f50b7ecccf3feda786c1853f1e377845a2b
successfully destroy home: 0
# list historical commands
cirque> history
   1  create_home
   2  create_device --type wifi_ap
   3  create_device --type generic_node_image --capability WiFi,Thread,Interactive --thread_mode rcp
   4  home_devices
   5  run_exec --device_id be7f400ddad67676247a76f39513097b841584f43cae9f86cdce755bc97fd708 --command iwlist wlan0 scanning
   6  device_state --device_id a8bf216323dfc459addad5fe2b4701e98dfa906f64d8f889187b87e0c84a47aa
   7  close_device --device_id be7f400ddad67676247a76f39513097b841584f43cae9f86cdce755bc97fd708
   8  create_home
   9  homes
  10  destroy_home --home_id 0
# list version
cirque> version
# tear down remaining homes and exit cirque cli
cirque> exit
successfully destroy home: 1
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