Java Application that will simulate a voting system
Data needed:
- Full name
- Political Party
- Educational background
- Position to Run (President, VP, Senator)
- Does the candidate has existing criminal records? If yes, input the criminal case.
Display the data of qualified and disqualified list candidates.
For disqualified candidates, display the reason(s) of disqualification.
Group them by their selected position to run.
The program must ask the following data from the voter:
- Full name
- Age
After validating the candidates, display the names and data of QUALIFIED candidates and the user must proceed to voting. Minimum number of voters will be 25.
- The voter can only vote ONE President, ONE Vice-president and 12 Senators (Maximum).
- The voter can decide to cast 0 vote to any position.
- Only 18 years old and above can vote.
After voting, display the final tally of votes.
Display the respective winners on each position.