This module setups an S3 bucket on AWS and configures Fastly to use the S3 as backend.
This modules includes variables with default values. Please make sure you checked first.
- S3 bucket only allows connections from Fastly and given CIDR blocks.
- Removes Amazon response headers if Fastly-Debug is not given.
- You can use a custom vcl configuration by setting custom_vcl variable. If
is not set, terraform uses default vcl definition vcl.example - You can enable/disable forcing TLS connections. (HTTP to HTTPS redirects). It's enabled by default.
- You can manage bucket versioning
- You can manage gzip file extensions and content types
- force_tls: (Bool - [true]/false) Enables/Disables HTTP to HTTPS forcing.
- index_file: (String - [index.html]) Name of the index document file
- error_file: (String - [error.html]) Name of the error document file
- versioning: (Bool - [true]/false) Enables/Disables bucket versioning
- transition_days: (Int - [30]) Move files to STANDARD_IA after N days
- gzip_extensions: (List - [see]) List of files extensions for gzip
- gzip_content_types: (List - [see]) of content types for gzip
- bucket_name: (String) Bucket name
- fastly_dns_name: (String) What domain name will be used on Fastly
- office_cidrs: (List) List of IP CIDR blocks to reach bucket directly.
- custom_vcl: (String) Rendered template file of your custom vcl. Set to false if you want to use default VCL. If you pass "false" as String, it will be ignored.
- tags: (Map - [{}]) AWS tags for the resources
- bucket_policy: Bucket policy in JSON
- bucket_name: Name of the bucket
- bucket_domain_name: Domain name of the bucket
- bucket_region: Region of the bucket
- bucket_website_endpoint: Website end point of the bucket
- fastly_service_id: The ID of the Fastly service
- fastly_service_name: Name of this service.
- fastly_config_active_version: The currently active version number of your Fastly Service.
- fastly_config_vcl: Set of custom VCL configurations
- fastly_domain: Set of Domains set on Fastly
provider "aws" {}
provider "fastly" {}
module "static" {
source = ""
bucket_name = "levent-s3-hosting-test"
office_cidrs = [""]
fastly_dns_name = ""
versioning = "false"
custom_vcl = "false"
tags {
product = "blog"
env = "dev"
purpose = "content"
role = "blog"