This module provides the initial bootstrapping needed to build a new Compute Instance and other optional services in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). This serves as a foundational component in an OCI environment.
In the examples folder, you can find samples for creating a simple instance, an instance with a block volume attached and mounted, and an instance with multiple VNICs attached.
A Compute Instance is the core foundation of a compute deployment in OCI. This module provides the ability to create one or more compute instances.
By using this module, a basic cloud compute instance will be created (for most use-cases, though not all). See the Compute Best Practices for recommendations on how to manage instances.
This module does not create any dependencies or prerequisites.
Create the following before using this module:
- Required IAM construct to allow for the creation of resources
- VCNs/Subnets
- Security List(s)
- The network_security module may be used to create and manage NFS Security Lists.
- Route Table
- Often times only a couple of routing policies exist and are created in the network module.
- DHCP Options
- Often times only a couple of DHCP Options (DNS profiles) exist and are created in the network module.
Several functional examples are provided in the examples
The following scenarios are covered in the examples:
- Simple: Provisioning a single instance attached to an existing subnet
- Simple - Multiple VNICs : Provisions two instances in 2 separate new subnets.
- Simple - autovars and bootstrap : Provisioning 2 instances in two different existing Subnets with remote_exec options.
This module supports any combination of these scenarios.
This is a core service module: you can access the instances using a private key if the instance is public, or through other instances which have access to this instance/subnet.
You may continue to manage the deployed environment using Terraform (best), the OCI CLI, the OCI console (UI), directly via the API, etc.
The following IAM attributes are available in the the terraform.tfvars
# Get this from the bottom of the OCI screen (after logging in, after Tenancy ID: heading)
primary_tenancy_id="<tenancy OCID"
# Get this from OCI > Identity > Users (for your user account)
primary_user_id="<user OCID>"
# the fingerprint can be gathered from your user account (OCI > Identity > Users > click your username > API Keys fingerprint (select it, copy it and paste it below))
primary_fingerprint="<PEM key fingerprint>"
# this is the full path on your local system to the private key used for the API key pair
primary_private_key_path="<path to the private key that matches the fingerprint above>"
# region (us-phoenix-1, ca-toronto-1, etc)
primary_region="<your region>"
# Get this from the bottom of the OCI screen (after logging in, after Tenancy ID: heading)
dr_tenancy_id="<tenancy OCID"
# Get this from OCI > Identity > Users (for your user account)
dr_user_id="<user OCID>"
# the fingerprint can be gathered from your user account (OCI > Identity > Users > click your username > API Keys fingerprint (select it, copy it and paste it below))
dr_fingerprint="<PEM key fingerprint>"
# this is the full path on your local system to the private key used for the API key pair
dr_private_key_path="<path to the private key that matches the fingerprint above>"
# region (us-phoenix-1, ca-toronto-1, etc)
dr_region="<your region>"
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Default Value | Valid Values | Description |
default_compartment_id | string | yes | none | string of the compartment OCID | Default OCID that will be used when creating objects. Can be overridden in any specific Compute Instance definition. OCI comportament must exist. |
ad | number | yes | If null, first AD of the region | Availability Domains | Availability Domains of a Region. |
compartment_ocid | string | yes | none | Compartments available for the user | OCID of the compartment that the Compute Instance is created in |
subnet_id | string | yes | none | Subnet created | The subnets in which the instance primary VNICs are created. |
assign_public_ip | string | no | none | boolean | Specifies whether the VNIC should be assigned a public IP address. |
vnic_defined_tags | map | no | none | none | Defined Tag. |
vnic_display_name | string | no | none | none | A user-friendly name for the VNIC. |
vnic_freeform_tags | map | no | none | none | Free form tag for the VNIC. |
skip_source_dest_check | boolean | no | none | boolean value | Specifies whether the source/destination check is disabled on the VNIC. |
defined_tags | map | no | none | Defined tags | Defined tag for Instance. |
display_name | string | no | none | Any string | Display name of the compute instance. This parameter is the Key of the Map of the instances; in the example below, "Display Name" = inst-simple. |
fault_domain | string | no | none | valid Fault Domain in an AD | A fault domain is a grouping of hardware and infrastructure within an availability domain. |
vnic_freeform_tags | map | no | none | none | Free form tag for the Instance. |
pv_encr_trans_enabled | bool | none | false | Boolean value | Enables in-transit encryption for the boot volume's paravirtualized attachment. |
ssh_authorized_keys | list | no | none | Path to ssh key | A valid list of SSH Public key paths |
ssh_private_keys | list | no | none | A valid private key | Path to private SSH key use to remote_exec into the instance to execute commands |
image_name | string | yes | none | Valid image Name | The instance image name. Required parameter: an image_name or source_id is required to get an image to launch the instance. |
source_id | string | yes | none | Valid image OCID | The instance image OCID. an image_name or source_id is required to get an image to launch the instance. |
boot_vol_size_gbs | number | no | none | >50GB | The size of the boot volume in GB. |
preserve_boot_volume | boolean | no | false | Boolean values | Specifies whether to delete or preserve the boot volume when the instance is terminated. |
instance_timeout | string | no | 25m | Minutes | Timeout setting for creating an instance. (Note: large instance types may need a larger timeout) |
sec_vnic | map | no | none | Secondary VNIC info | Map. (List of secondary VNICs you want to attach to the instance.) |
subnet_id | string | yes | no | none | The OCID of the subnet to create the VNIC in. |
assign_public_ip | bool | no | no | none | Whether the VNIC should be assigned a public IP address. |
defined_tags | map | no | no | Valid Defined Tag | Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Operations.CostCenter": "42"} |
vnic_display_name | string | no | none | no | A user-friendly name for the VNIC. |
freeform_tags | map | no | none | no | Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. |
hostname_label | string | no | none | no | The hostname for the VNIC's primary private IP. Used for DNS. |
nsg_ids | list(string) | no | none | Valid NSGs | A list of the OCIDs of the network security groups (NSGs) to add the VNIC to. |
private_ip | string | no | none | Valid private IP within CIDR | A private IP address of your choice to assign to the VNIC. Must be within the subnet's CIDR. |
skip_src_dest_check | bool | no | false | Boolean value | Specifies whether the source/destination check is disabled on the VNIC. |
instance_id | string | no | no | Instance OCID | The OCID of the instance. |
display_name | string | no | none | none | A user-friendly name for the attachment. Does not have to be unique. It cannot be changed. |
nic_index | number | no | none | 0 | Network interface card (NIC) the VNIC will attached. |
mount_blk_vols | boolean | no | false | boolean | If true, mount block volumes listed in block_volumes options. |
block_volumes | list | no | none | none | A list of Block Volumes OCID created that will be attached to the Instance. |
volume_id | string | no | none | none | Volume OCID. |
attachment_type | string | no | none | none | Type of Volume Attachment. |
volume_mount_dir | string | no | none | none | Name of the directory that will be mounted. |
cons_conn_create | boolean | no | false | boolean | If true, create Console connection for the Instance. |
cons_conn_def_tags | map | no | no | Valid Defined Tag | Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Operations.CostCenter": "42"} |
cons_conn_free_tags | map | no | none | no | Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. |
The following example deploys a compute instance within a specified subnet and compartment.
# Instances variable has a list of instances you want create
# availability_domain is required, but null will assign the first AD of the region to the instance.
# compartment_id is required
# shape is required
# subnet_id is required
# source_id is required
# All other attributes can be null
locals {
instances = {
inst-simple = {
ad = null #0-AD1, 1-AD2, 3-AD3 Required
compartment_id = var.default_compartment_id #Required
shape = "VM.Standard2.1" #Required
subnet_id = "<Replace with existing Subnet's OCID>"
is_monitoring_disabled = null
assign_public_ip = true
vnic_defined_tags = null
vnic_display_name = null
vnic_freeform_tags = null #{"Environment" = "Development"}
nsg_ids = null #["ocid1.xxxxx"]
private_ip = null
skip_src_dest_check = null
defined_tags = null
extended_metadata = null
fault_domain = null
freeform_tags = null
hostname_label = null
ipxe_script = null
pv_encr_trans_enabled = null
ssh_authorized_keys = ["</path/public key file>"] #ex: ["/path/"]
ssh_private_keys = ["</path/private key file>"] #ex: ["/path/private-key"]
user_data = null #base64encode(file(""))
// See
// Oracle-provided image "Oracle-Linux-7.7-2019.06.15-0"
image_name = "Oracle-Linux-7.7-2019.06.15-0" #Required
source_id = null #"" #"ocid1.image.oc1.iad.xxxx" #Required
source_type = null
boot_vol_size_gbs = null
kms_key_id = null
preserve_boot_volume = null
instance_timeout = null
sec_vnics = null #{} #
mount_blk_vols = false
block_volumes = null
cons_conn_create = null
cons_conn_def_tags = null
cons_conn_free_tags = null
create_compute = true
module "oci_instances" {
source = "../../"
default_compartment_id = var.default_compartment_id
instances = local.create_compute ? local.instances : null
This module returns 1 object :
: Contains the details about the provisioned Instance
- Regions with single ADs, AD property can be set to null.
- If image_name and source_id are set, source_id will take precedence. Image Names provide by OCI are updated often. Value provided as Image Name must match current Oracle Provided Image names
- Mounting a block volumes is only available for Oracle Linux OS. At least one private key "ssh_private_keys" is required when mounting a block volume and a public IP available to the instance to be accessible from the internet.
For Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation, see
This module has been developed and tested by running terraform on Oracle Linux Server release 7.7
user-linux$ terraform --version
Terraform v0.12.19
+ provider.oci v3.58.0
This project is open source. Oracle appreciates any contributions that are made by the open source community.
Copyright (c) 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
See LICENSE for more details.