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vladak edited this page Feb 26, 2013 · 2 revisions


 OpenGrok provides
    A fast search engine for programs, that can:
        search for full text, definitions, symbols, path and revision history
        limit searches to any subtree (hierarchical search)
        incrementally update its index. i.e update only the changed files since last time it was updated
        search query with Google like syntax (eg. path:Makefile defs:target)
        search for files modified within a date range
        search using wild cards like * (many characters) or ? (one character)
        show the matching lines in search results
    A read-only web interface for version control systems like Mercurial, CVS, SVN, SCCS or TeamWare that provides:
        history log of a file
        diffs between any two revision in formats like udiffs, sdiffs
        cumulative history of a given directory (putback-log) also in RSS format
    Online cross-reference with syntax high lighting, highly customizable look and feel using CSS stylesheets
    Plugins can be written for new programing language or revision control systems