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Known issues

Matt Giltaji edited this page May 16, 2017 · 5 revisions

Known Issues Outside of OpenGrok

  • Due to Exuberant ctags bugs 1187505, 2991345, 2996602 ctags fails to recognize certain definitions. So OpenGrok will not be able search these
  • Indexing is a memory intensive process. If you get "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error, try the -Xms<size></size> and -Xmx<size></size> options to java (Eg JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048")
  • In Mozilla based browsers (e.g. Firefox) the back button will not take you to previous anchor - gecko bug 565008 - WORKAROUND is simple, after you press back, just do a refresh (F5, Ctrl+R, or hit the reload button)
  • Identifiers which have length of 1 character don't have a link generated - this is intentional and not a bug.
  • Due to Exuberant ctags bug 1324663, OpenGrok might keep waiting for ctags. Workaround is to ignore the problem causing SQL files with -i option to OpenGrok.(fixed in exuberant ctags >= 5.7)
  • We disabled java local variables in 0.10 because of ctags bug 3150230
  • Blank page with "Error parsing HTTP request header" and 400 error status code see: How-to-install-OpenGrok#Large_number_of_projects_on_Tomcat

OpenGrok Issues, Bugs and Requests for Enhancements

Please log bugs and requests for enhancements here: