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Web services

Adam Hornáček edited this page Jul 18, 2018 · 23 revisions


Since 1.1-rc31 OpenGrok web application provides a REST API under path /api/v1/.

For Indexer and Python scripts to work correctly. URI of the webapp needs to be specified by -U option. (For instance: -U http://localhost:8080/source).

Authentication / Authorization

All requests to /api are only allowed within localhost. There are no authentication or authorization done for these requests.


There are a few endpoints which provide different functionality.


  • GET – returns XML representation of configuration

  • PUT – sets configuration from XML representation

    • ?reindex=true/false – specifies if the underlying data were also reindexed (refreshes some searchers and additional data structures)
    • body – XML configuration string
  • /{field}

    • GET – returns specific configuration field in JSON format
    • PUT – sets specific configuration field {field}
      • body – string value of the field to set
  • /authorization/reload

    • POST – reloads authorization framework


  • POST – adds message to a system

    • body – JSON representation of message, example:
        "tags": ["main"],
        "cssClass": "cssClass",
        "text":"test message",

    • ?tag={t} – deletes messages with specified tag {t}
  • GET – retrieves all messages in the system

    • ?tag={t} – returns all messages with specified tag {t}
    • example:
          "acceptedTime": "2018-06-28T17:49:01.793Z",
          "message": {
            "tags": ["main"],
            "cssClass": "cssClass",
            "text": "test message",
            "duration": "PT10M"
          "expirationTime": "2018-06-28T17:59:01.793Z",


  • GET – returns a list of projects

  • POST – add project

    • body – text/plain name of the project
  • /{project}

    • `DELETE – delete project
    • /indexed
      • PUT – marks project as indexed
    • /property/{field}
      • PUT – sets field {field} for the {project}
        • body – string representation of the value to set
      • GET – returns the {field} value in JSON format
    • /repositories
      • GET – returns a list of repositories for the specified {project} as JSON list
      • /type
        • GET – returns types of {project} repositories as JSON list
  • /indexed

    • GET – returns a list of indexed projects as JSON list


  • /type
    • GET – return type of the repository
      • ?repository={repo_name} – repository for which to return type


  • GET – return search results
    • ?full={full} – full search field value to search for
    • ?def={def} – definition field value to search for
    • ?sybol={symbol} – symbol field value to search for
    • ?path={path} – file path field value to search for
    • ?hist={hist} – history field value to search for
    • ?type={type} – type of the files to search for
    • ?projects={project1}&projects={project2} – projects to search in
    • ?maxresults={max_results} – maximum number of documents whose hits will be returned
    • ?start={start} – start index from which to return results
    • example:
        "time": 13,
        "resultCount": 35,
        "startDocument": 0,
        "endDocument": 0,
        "results": {
          "/opengrok/test/org/opensolaris/opengrok/history/hg-export-renamed.txt": [{
            "line": "# User Vladimir <b>Kotal</b> &lt;Vladimir.<b>Kotal</b>;",
            "lineNumber": "19"
            "line": "# User Vladimir <b>Kotal</b> &lt;Vladimir.<b>Kotal</b>;",


  • GET – returns statistics in JSON format

  • DELETE – deletes statistics

  • /reload

    • PUT – reloads statistics (useful when configuration path to statistics changed)


  • GET – returns suggestions

    • ?projects[]={project1}&projects[]={project2} – list of projects for which to retrieve suggestions
    • ?field={field} – field for which to suggest
    • ?caret={position} – position of the caret in the input field
    • ?full={full} – value of the Full Search input
    • ?defs={defs}– value of the Definitions input
    • ?refs={refs} – value of Symbol input
    • ?path={path} – value of the File Path input
    • ?hist={hist} – value of the History input
    • ?type={type} – value of the Type input
    • example:
      "time": 60,
      "suggestions": [{
        "phrase": "package",
        "projects": ["kotlin"],
        "score": 387
      "identifier": "pprttq",
      "queryText": "pprttq",
  • /config

    • GET – returns suggester configuration
  • /init/queries

    • POST – updates popularity data based on the queries
      • body – JSON encoded list of queries
        • example:
  • /init/raw

    • POST – updates popularity data based on the provided data
      • body – JSON encoded data
        • example:


  • /refresh
    • PUT – refreshes index searchers for specified project
      • body – text/plain project name to refresh