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Web services

Adam Hornáček edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 23 revisions


Since 1.1-rc31 OpenGrok web application provides a REST API under path /api/v1/. Since many of these requests are meant for administrators, only requests from localhost are allowed (except search endpoint).

For Indexer and Python scripts to work correctly. URI of the webapp needs to be specified by -U option. (For instance: -U http://localhost:8080/source).


There are a few endpoints which provide different functionality.


  • GET – returns XML representation of configuration

  • PUT – sets configuration from XML representation

    • ?reindex=true/false – specifies if the underlying data were also reindexed (refreshes some searchers and additional data structures)
    • body – XML configuration string
  • /{field}

    • GET – returns specific configuration field in JSON format
    • PUT – sets specific configuration field {field}
      • body – string value of the field to set
  • /authorization/reload

    • POST – reloads authorization framework


  • POST – adds message to a system

    • body – JSON representation of message, example:
        "tags": ["main"],
        "cssClass": "cssClass",
        "text":"test message",

    • ?tag={t} – deletes messages with specified tag {t}
  • GET

    • ?tag={t} – returns all messages with specified tag {t}
    • example:
          "acceptedTime": "2018-06-28T17:49:01.793Z",
          "message": {
            "tags": ["main"],
            "cssClass": "cssClass",
            "text": "test message",
            "duration": "PT10M"
          "expirationTime": "2018-06-28T17:59:01.793Z",


  • GET – returns a list of projects

  • POST – add project

    • body – text/plain name of the project
  • /{project}

    • `DELETE – delete project
    • /indexed
      • PUT – marks project as indexed
    • /property/{field}
      • PUT – sets field {field} for the {project}
        • body – string representation of the value to set
      • GET – returns the {field} value in JSON format
    • /repositories
      • GET – returns a list of repositories for the specified {project} as JSON list
      • /type
        • GET – returns types of {project} repositories as JSON list
  • /indexed

    • GET – returns a list of indexed projects as JSON list


  • /type
    • GET – return type of the repository
      • ?repository={repo_name} – repository for which to return type


  • GET – return search results
    • ?full={full} – full search field value to search for
    • ?def={def} – definition field value to search for
    • ?sybol={symbol} – symbol field value to search for
    • ?path={path} – file path field value to search for
    • ?hist={hist} – history field value to search for
    • ?type={type} – type of the files to search for
    • ?projects={project1}&projects={project2} – projects to search in
    • ?maxresults={max_results} – maximum number of documents whose hits will be returned
    • ?start={start} – start index from which to return results
    • example:
        "time": 387,
        "resultCount": 100,
        "startIndex": 0,
        "endIndex": 3,
        "results": [{
          "line": "java\npackage cz.cuni.mff.fruiton.",
          "path": "/fruitonserver/build/classes/java/test/cz/cuni/mff/fruiton/test/integration/MatchmakingTest.class"


  • GET – returns statistics in JSON format

  • DELETE – deletes statistics

  • /reload

    • PUT – reloads statistics (useful when configuration path to statistics changed)


  • /refresh
    • PUT – refreshes index searchers for specified project
      • body – text/plain project name to refresh