SciDB Module :This module was created to integrate the SciDB array database as a data source of the 52°North SOS 4.x implementation under OGC standards.
To run this Module; the system should contains the following:
• Ubuntu operating system (to run scidb)
• Configured SciDB
• Services : ssh, postgres, server (I use tomcat)
1- Download the 52°North Sensor Observation Service (SOS) version 4.4.x from the repository
2- Download the current repository "Scidb"
3- move the scidb folder to the 52North SOS
4-Add the required dependencies
5- This project is managed with Maven3. Simply run mvn clean install to create a deployable .WAR file
6- Upload the War file to te server, the connection to the SciDB should be accomlpished automaticly
1- find the war file under (scidb\webapp\target)
2- upload the webapp to the server
3- Select the SciDB option from the drop down list and enter the configration details to connect to the SciDB array database
***NOTE: the ssh, postgresql services and SciDB should be running