This server template is an empty project prepared with primary software libraries and configurations needed to begin. It has sample authentication methods used, for instance, for signing in or signing up. Besides, everything needed to connect to a database is already set. The project is ready to work with our React web app template and our React Native mobile app template, providing a unified experience among the three.
Node.js for JavaScript runtime.
Apollo as GraphQL implementation.
GraphQL Modules to implement 'modules' on GraphQL.
Sequelize as multi SQL dialect ORM for Node.js.
Sequelize-Typescript typescript decorators for Sequelize.
TypeScript as main language.
Babel for JavaScript transpiling.
Jest as as test framework.
Prettier for code formatter.
ESlint for JavaScript/TypeScript linting.
Husky for Git hooks support.
Lint-staged to run linters on git staged files.
Run the following commands in your terminal
git clone
cd public-ol-server-template
npm install
npm run db:create
npm run start:watch
[ Optional ] Run db:seed
to charge the database with initial dummy values
Then open http://localhost:5000/ on your web browser.
Run npm test
for test.
You can check out the full license here
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.