To bundle an application, leiningen provides an uberjar that smashes all the dependent JARs into a single JAR. This works great, but JAR files (before Java 8) are limited to 65535 files. This is sufficient even for most reasonably-sized projects, but a very large Clojure project can exceed these limits.
The metajar pluging is an attempt to create the functional equivalent
of an uberjar with dependencies in a lib dir and linked by the JAR
. This has the disadvantage that
running requires copying both the JAR and the associated lib
but if this is done the resulting JAR can be used without worrying about the
JVM classpath, just as with an uberjar.
Add [lein-metajar "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"]
the :plugins
vector of your :user
profile or your project.clj
To create the METAJAR:
$ lein metajar
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