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Java library for generating and downloading XML files in UBL format.


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Java library for generating and downloading XML files in UBL format. The Universal Business Language (UBL) is an open library of standard electronic XML business documents for procurement and transport such as purchase orders, invoices, transport logistics and waybills. This library has been optimized to facilitate the generation of such documents and to automate the insertion of data into them.


For the development

IntelliJ IDEA βœ”

For use



For the moment, the .jar library is not available. To add XML-UBL to your project, download XML-UBL and insert it into your project.

Code documentation

All code has been documented and will be used by you when creating document, element and attributes. The syntax of the code documentation has been optimized for IntelliJ. Here is the example of the documentation for the TaxTotal element :

Click to see the documentation.
Name Description
Element "TaxTotal" Element name.
An association to TaxTotal Element description.
for build() + load() List of parameters required to generate this element, not to generate an object of this element. This is traditionally documentLinked, the document into which this element should be inserted, and elementFather, the element that will become the parent of this newly generated element.
for build() List of parameters included in the generation of an object of this element. We indicate the expected type in square brackets, the name of the parameter, its cardinality, as well as a brief description of its usefulness.



Overall structure

Here is how your Java code will be structured to create an XML file with a UBL template :

<Document creation>
        <Element 1 creation>
        <Element 2 creation>    
                <Element 1.1 (from Module 1) creation>
        <Module 1 creation>   
                <Element 2.1 (from Module 2) creation>
                <Element 2.2 (from Module 2) creation>
        <Module 2 creation>
                        <Element 3.1.1 (from Module 3.1) creation>
                        <Element 3.1.2 (from Module 3.1) creation>
                <Module 3.1 (from Module 3) creation>
                <Element 3.1 (from Module 3) creation>
        <Module 3 creation>     
<Template creation>
<Document generation>           

Document creation

This is the first level, the document, which contains all the other tools to generate a UBL template.
You must first declare and initialize the desired document by entering its name (with .xml) and the path in which it must be saved.

DocumentT doc = new DocumentT("<name>.xml", "<path>");

Template creation

Module creation

Element creation (version 2)

The elements are the basis for creating an xml document with UBL template. These are the <cbc> tags. They contain these parameters :

Name Type Obligatory ? Description
value String 🟒 Value for this element.
attributes PatternAttribute πŸ”΄ Attributes available for this element.

An element can be created in only two places, either with the template itself as parent, or with a module as parent :

Template as parent

This declaration corresponds to 1 and 2 of the Overall structure section.
Example : The UBLVersionID element can be called in the XML document with the template itself as parent.

Click to see the code.

with attributes

UBLVersionID ublVersionID = new UBLVersionID.UBLVersionIDBuilder()
                .attributes(new <PatternAttribute>)

without attributes

UBLVersionID ublVersionID = new UBLVersionID.UBLVersionIDBuilder()

Module as parent

This declaration corresponds to 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1.1., 3.1.2 and 3.1 of the Overall structure section.
Example : The Country module contains the elements identificationCode [0..1] and name [0..1]. These elements therefore have the Country module as parent.

Click to see the code.

with attributes

Country country = new Country.CountryBuilder()
                .identificationCode(new IdentificationCode.IdentificationCodeBuilder()
                        .attributes(new <PatternAttribute>)
                .name(new Name.NameBuilder()
                        .attributes(new <PatternAttribute>)

without attributes

Country country = new Country.CountryBuilder()
                .identificationCode(new IdentificationCode.IdentificationCodeBuilder()
                .name(new Name.NameBuilder()

Be sure to look at the cardinality of all the parameters of the elements. They are displayed in the code itself.

Attribute creation

List of templates

Caption :

  • πŸ”΅ This module/element is mandatory in this template.
  • 🟒 This module/element is available in the template with all its features.
  • 🟑 This module/element is available in the template but not all of its functionalities have been initialized.
  • 🟠 This module/element is currently being implemented and will be available in a future release.
  • πŸ”΄ This module/element is not yet implemented in this template.
  • ❌ This module/element is not compatible with this template

Credit Note 2.0

This section groups together all the modules and elements present in the Credit Note 2.0 template. See more.

Click to see the table.
Name Condition Cardinality Type
UBLExtensions πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
UBLVersionID 🟒 [0..1] Element
CustomizationID 🟒 [0..1] Element
ProfileID 🟒 [0..1] Element
ID πŸ”΅ 🟒 [1..1] Element
CopyIndicator πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
UUID πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
IssueDate πŸ”΅ 🟒 [1..1] Element
IssueTime πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
TaxPointDate πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
Note πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
DocumentCurrencyCode 🟒 [0..1] Element
TaxCurrencyCode πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
PricingCurrencyCode πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
PaymentCurrencyCode πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
PaymentAlternativeCurrencyCode πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
AccountingCostCode πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
AccountingCost πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
LineCountNumeric πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
InvoicePeriod πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
DiscrepancyResponse πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
OrderReference 🟑 [0..1] Module
BillingReference 🟑 [0..*] Module
DespatchDocumentReference πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
ReceiptDocumentReference πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
ContractDocumentReference πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
AdditionalDocumentReference 🟑 [0..*] Module
Signature πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
AccountingSupplierParty πŸ”΅ 🟑 [1..1] Module
AccountingCustomerParty πŸ”΅ 🟑 [1..1] Module
PayeeParty πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
TaxRepresentativeParty πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
TaxExchangeRate πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
PricingExchangeRate πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
PaymentExchangeRate πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
PaymentAlternativeExchangeRate πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
AllowanceCharge πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
TaxTotal 🟑 [0..*] Module
LegalMonetaryTotal πŸ”΅ 🟑 [1..1] Module
CreditNoteLine πŸ”΅ 🟑 [1..*] Module

Invoice 2.0 πŸ†•

This section groups together all the modules and elements present in the Invoice 2.0 template. See more.

Click to see the table.
Name Condition Cardinality Type
UBLExtensions πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
UBLVersionID 🟒 [0..1] Element
CustomizationID 🟒 [0..1] Element
ProfileID 🟒 [0..1] Element
ID πŸ”΅ 🟒 [1..1] Element
CopyIndicator πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
UUID πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
IssueDate πŸ”΅ 🟒 [1..1] Element
IssueTime πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
InvoiceTypeCode 🟒 [0..1] Element
Note πŸ”΄ [0..*] Element
TaxPointDate πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
DocumentCurrencyCode 🟒 [0..1] Element
TaxCurrencyCode πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
PricingCurrencyCode πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
PaymentCurrencyCode πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
PaymentAlternativeCurrencyCode πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
AccountingCostCode πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
AccountingCost πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
LineCountNumeric πŸ”΄ [0..1] Element
InvoicePeriod πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
OrderReference 🟑 [0..1] Module
BillingReference πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
DespatchDocumentReference πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
ReceiptDocumentReference πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
OriginatorDocumentReference πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
ContractDocumentReference πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
AdditionalDocumentReference 🟑 [0..*] Module
Signature πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
AccountingSupplierParty πŸ”΅ 🟑 [1..1] Module
AccountingCustomerParty πŸ”΅ 🟑 [1..1] Module
PayeeParty πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
BuyerCustomerParty πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
SellerSupplierParty πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
TaxRepresentativeParty πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
Delivery πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
DeliveryTerms πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
PaymentMeans 🟑 [0..*] Module
PaymentTerms πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
PrepaidPayment πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
AllowanceCharge πŸ”΄ [0..*] Module
TaxExchangeRate πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
PricingExchangeRate πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
PaymentExchangeRate πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
PaymentAlternativeExchangeRate πŸ”΄ [0..1] Module
TaxTotal 🟑 [0..*] Module
LegalMonetaryTotal πŸ”΅ 🟑 [1..1] Module
InvoiceLine πŸ”΅ 🟑 [1..*] Module


In this example the cardinalities of the different elements and modules are respected. This is not the case with the cardinalities of the CreditNote 2.0 template. Otherwise we would have had to add all the modules / elements to the cardinalities [1..1/*], which would have been long and unreadable. This example repeats all of the creation sections seen previously.

Java code

Click to see the code.
DocumentT docCreditNote20 = new DocumentT("CreditNote-2-0.xml", "");

UBLVersionID ublVersionIDCreditNote20 = new UBLVersionID.UBLVersionIDBuilder()

ProfileID profileIDCreditNote20 = new ProfileID.ProfileIDBuilder()
        .attributes(new PatternScheme.PatternSchemeBuilder()
                .schemeAgencyID("FRA/NASA RT/EDF")
                .schemeID("WAL 18052:2021")

EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject embeddedDocumentBinaryObjectCreditNote20 = new EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject.EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObjectBuilder()
        .attributes(new PatternFile.PatternFileBuilder()

Attachment attachmentCreditNote20 = new Attachment.AttachmentBuilder()

List<AdditionalDocumentReference> additionalDocumentReferenceCreditNote20 = new ArrayList<>();
AdditionalDocumentReference additionalDocumentReferenceCreditNote201 = new AdditionalDocumentReference.AdditionalDocumentReferenceBuilder()
        .id(new ID.IDBuilder()
        .documentTypeCode(new DocumentTypeCode.DocumentTypeCodeBuilder()
                .attributes(new PatternList.PatternListBuilder()

Element elementUBLCreditNote20 = new UBLCreditNote20.UBLCreditNote20Builder()


XML File

Click to see the code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<CreditNote xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CreditNote-2"
    <cbc:ProfileID schemeAgencyID="FRA/NASA RT/EDF" schemeID="WAL 18052:2021" schemeVersionID="1">
        <cbc:DocumentTypeCode listID="">attachment</cbc:DocumentTypeCode>
            <cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject encodingCode="Base64" filename="facture_avril.pdf"

Release history

Caption :

  • 🟒 New feature.
  • 🟑 Improvement.
  • 🟣 Bug fixed.
Release Description Release date
1.1.0 🟒 Generation of part of the Invoice 2.0 template.
🟑 Generation of part of the UBL CreditNote 2.0 template.
🟑 A more complete and easy-to-use README.
🟑 Complete code documentation.
🟣 Implementation of optional attributes and elements is no longer necessary.
Aug. 27 2021
1.0.0 🟒 Generation of a partially supported UBL CreditNote version 2.0 template (the most common modules, elements and attributes are available.
🟒 Complete code documentation.
Jun. 18 2021


The license is available here.



This project accepts external contributions.


Java library for generating and downloading XML files in UBL format.








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