Basics of Websockets
Internet Porotocol Suite
{ Application Layer } [ HTTP, Websockets, SSL, IMAP, POP ] { InternetLayer } [ ipv4, ipv6 ] { Transport Layer } [ TCP, UDP ]
The TCP takes care of amking sure all packages reach the destination unaffected and in proper oder The UDP is used for streaming videos and other similar tasks
HTTP is a stateless protocol that is the present state is not depend on
{ HTTP is sateless After the initial request is done, the server-client communication is lost. }
{ Clients specify actions . GET / POST / PUT / DELETE }
{ Data sent with headers Headers sent with request AND response }
{ AJAX asynchronously send data to server without refreshing request-> ____________________________________________________ <- Response
request ->
Client ___________________________________________________ Server <- Response
request ->
<- Response
can countinue to send data and make request after conection }
{ Full-duplex bi-directional Communication! }
// To switch to websockets you send a header that you wana shift over to websocket
// it uses the same tcp conection that was originaly established
// no headers in socket requests( only sent during initial handshake)
{ webSockets is a HTTP upgrade!
uses the same TCP connection over ws:// or wss:// }
{ Easy to implement and standardised! }
{ Only sends headers once! }
// check browser compatability
// Alternative to Websockets
{ Alternative to WebSockets
Much better backwards compatibillity! }
{ Polling
Send AJAX request every x amount of seconds for new data
(not real time) }
{ Long Pollig
Send request to server and keep connection open untill new data }
{ Another "real-time" alternative
Uses EventSource API to send messages from server
Not truly bi-directional }
{ Generally requires an event loop }
{ No binary message capability }
{ WebSockets not==replacement for HTTp
WS is an upgrade for HTTP.
HTTP provides automatic caching
WS often needs special configuration for load balancing
cant communicate with REST }
{ Use when You need full-duplex connection
Useful web-based games, chatting application,anything
which needs low-latency realtime connection! }
{ USed to interface with WebSocket Servers
// The Js file that i fetched in script in chat app sort of cdn
Bulit in many languages(including python) }
{ Most common client is web based and uses javascript }
{ Require the server to be able to interface WS }
const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8000');
// this fucntion is called when socket is connected
socket.onopen = (event) => {
//on connection, do something..
socket.send("hi hi connectd me "); // sending the string to server
//This is called when the server sends back something
socket.onmessage = (event) => {
// message from server
Makes the native socket makes then nicer and easier to use
it has certain fallback mechanish. Like if a server and client do
not agree on a handshake it can fallback to long polling
{ Javascript library for manupulating WebSockets
includes fallback mechanism and auto-reconnection }
{ Hndles disconnection and connection events }
{ Namespacing and Room broadcasting } // group of clients to talk to
## clinet side code of
var socket = io("http://localhost:8000/<MY_NAMESPACE>');
//this connects to the socket server
socket.on('connect', () => {
socket.emit('event_on_my_server', data="new conection");
// custom made events can be sent
socket.on('my_custom_event', (data) => {
// do something
{ SocketIO with python-socketio: flask, Tornado, Pyramid, Bottle, Sanic, AioHTTP, Tornado } { Native webSockets out of the box sanic,AioHTTP,Tornado with library Flask,Django(Channels 2.0), Bottle }
// import setup application above
socket = Sockets(app)
def my_socket_event(WS):
while not ws.closed:
message = WS.receive()
// you can use custom events and can send to mutliple people that is to a groups
//import setup application above
socket = socketio.Server()
@socket.on('my custom event', namespace='/pycon')
def custom_event(session_id, data):
// do stuff with data from client, send to all connected tp 'Pycon'
socket.emit('my event on the server', data, broadcast = True)
app = socketio.Middleware(socket, app)
# start server below
{ HTTP and websockets have same sized header } // socket only sends its once
{ 2bytes/msgoverhead } // for other messages unlike
{ SocketIO increaes latency and initial conection
uder the hood starts:
uses AJAX long Polling initialy and then upgrades }