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yarn-audit-competec 1.0.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @competec/yarn-audit-competec@1.0.0
Install via package.json:
"@competec/yarn-audit-competec": "1.0.0"

About this version

This module is built on the original yarn audit command yarn audit. With the following additional features:

  1. End with a non-zero code, if audit advisories exists for packages in your node-modules
  2. Allow suppression of specified advisories for any given module
  3. Generate a json file containing the yarn audit summary


  1. Install the npm audit module (yarn add yarn-audit-competec)
  2. Add the suppression file
  3. Add the following script to your package.json
"audit:competec": "yarn audit-competec",

Suppression file

The suppression file ~/.yarn-audit-competec/suppressions.js should be places in the folder .yarn-audit-competec, which should be located at the root of your project and structured as follows:

module.exports = {
    list: [
            githubAadvisoryId: 'GHSA-hjp8-2cm3-cc45',
            suppress: {
                until: '2022-12-31Z',
                reason: 'Third party',
        ...more suppression entries
  • githubAadvisoryId: The Github Advisory ID of the entry you wish to suppress
  • suppress.until: The validity of the grace period until this audit is finished with error
  • suppress.reason: A note for yourself, to remember why you are suppressing this advisory

Audit summary

An audit summary is generated in JSON format and is structured as follows:

  • ts: The timestamp at which the audit took place
  • summary.vulnerabilities: a map of all severity levels found and the frequencies
  • summary.dependencies: the number of modules with advisories in the dependencies
  • summary.devDependencies: the number of modules with advisories in the devDependencies
  • summary.optionalDependencies: the number of modules with advisories in the optionalDependencies
  • summary.totalDependencies: the total number of modules with advisories

Example of audit summary:

  "ts": 1652107729515,
  "summary": {
    "vulnerabilities": {
      "info": 0,
      "low": 0,
      "moderate": 0,
      "high": 0,
      "critical": 0
    "dependencies": 4,
    "devDependencies": 0,
    "optionalDependencies": 0,
    "totalDependencies": 4

Version history

  • 1.0.0: Initial release



  • yarn-audit-competec-1.0.0-npm.tgz

Download activity

  • Total downloads 82
  • Last 30 days 0
  • Last week 0
  • Today 0

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