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io-app-design-system 2.0.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @pagopa/io-app-design-system@2.0.1
Install via package.json:
"@pagopa/io-app-design-system": "2.0.1"

About this version

IO App Design System

A comprehensive library of components specifically designed for IO App

npm latest package

Getting started


To contribute to the library development, you will need to install nodejs and yarn. We recommend using nvm to properly handle the supported nodejs version (see .nvmrc).

Installing the component library

To add the component library to the main app run:

yarn add @pagopa/io-app-design-system

Remember to encapsulate the app container with the SafeAreaProvider from react-native-safe-area-context in your App.tsx file. Also, remember to apply this wrapper in other relevant places such as the root components of modals and routes when utilizing react-native-screens:

import { SafeAreaProvider } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';

function App() {
  return <SafeAreaProvider>...</SafeAreaProvider>;

Launch the example app

For development purposes, a sample React Native application is included in the repository. To launch it:

# Move into `example` folder
cd example

# Install dependencies 
yarn install

# Install podfiles when targeting iOS (ignore this step for Android)
# Run this only during the first setup and when Pods dependencies change
cd iOS && bundle exec pod install

# Launch the app locally (simulator flag is optional)
yarn ios --simulator='iPhone 15 Pro'

Activate the toggle at the top of the application to view the experimental design system.

[!important] The sample application consists of several pages with some components for testing purposes. To view the continuously updated Design System section, please refer to the main app.

Playground & Documentation

A Storybook playground is also available to help develop and test components. To start it in the local environment, run the following command:

yarn storybook

Storybook documentation is a work in progress


To try a component, just import it:

import { ButtonSolid } from '@pagopa/io-app-design-system';

// [...]

const MainScreen = () => (
      accessibilityLabel="Tap to trigger test alert"
      label="Hello world"
      onPress={() => Alert.alert("Alert", "Action triggered")}


The library is made up of several parts:


Essential core visual attributes of the design language. It includes:

  • IOColors: Defines the main color palette, themes (light/dark) and other color-related utilities
  • IOSpacing: Defines the main spacing scale and various component spacing attributes
  • IOStyles: Defines common styles shared across components
  • IOShapes: Defines visual shape-related attributes, such as radius
  • IOAnimations: Defines common animation attributes used for interactive elements (used by the reanimated library)
  • IOTransitions: Defines reusable custom enter/exit transitions (used by the reanimated library)


Essential atomic components:


[!note] Some components that can be tested in the official DS section are missing


Common functions used to wrap up external libraries and utilities



See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



Made with create-react-native-library



  • io-app-design-system-2.0.1.tgz

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