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Brendan Cooley brendancooley
Social Science PhD. Baseball, Bayesian stats, MLOps.

Washington, DC

Sohanuzzaman Soad ssoad
Full-Stack Developer || Python & Django || Flutter || Kotlin || Android || Passionate to Create Something Innovative & Efficient

Advanced Software Development Dhaka,Bangladesh

Trey Woodlief adwiii
Computer Science PhD candidate at UVA. Interested in autonomous system safety.

University of Virginia

Adis Azhar adisazhar123

Iowa State United States

Arshia Ilaty ArshiaIlaty
Research and Teaching Assistant at University of California, Irvine and San Diego State University Ex-SW-Intern at @teslamotors

@UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine San Diego, CA

Akash Jinandra akashjinandra

Bastian Solutions Boise Idaho

Meriel von Stein MissMeriel
I develop testing and validation techniques for robotic systems with machine learned components.

University of Virginia

parisa zafari parisa797
Computer engineering student University of Science and Industry Front end designer programmer
Shrey Tiwari ShreyTiwari
They say do what you love and money will follow. Let's see what happens, I just ordered a Pizza 🍕

Carnegie Mellon University United States

Sanjay Malakar iamsanjaymalakar

RIPLE, UCR Riverside, CA

Paulo Canelas pcanelas
Ph.D. Student at S3D at Carnegie Mellon University and LASIGE, University of Lisbon

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Zack Lee spearo2
Researching at Programming System Lab (Prosys), Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)
Michael Sandborn sandbornm
Computer Science PhD in systems security from Vanderbilt University

@magnumresearchgroup Nashville, TN, USA

Chris Timperley ChrisTimperley

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, United States

Zhiyang Chen jeffchen006
CS PhD Student at University of Toronto; Research Engineer at Zircuit
stay hungry, stag humble