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Screen{shot,cast} and perform ImageOps on the command line 🌱 🏞️


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Screen{shot,cast} and perform ImageOps on the command line 🌱 🏞️

menyoki is a screencast and screenshot utility that can also perform various image related operations such as making/splitting GIFs and modifying/analyzing/viewing image files. It aims to be a lightweight command line tool for either helping out on day-to-day life operations or complicated detail-centric issues. Originally it was designed to record/screenshot terminal windows but it can be tweaked easily for other purposes with command line arguments, environment variables, or a configuration file.

Table of Contents

Supported Platforms

  • Linux
    • X11 (fully supported)
    • Wayland (no record/capture)
  • Windows (no record/capture)
  • macOS (no record/capture)

menyoki requires a window system implementation of the supported platform for record and capture actions. Other features are expected to work normally since they don't require a window system running (or grabbing a window to operate on). For example, despite the macOS is not listed as a supported platform, menyoki still can perform image operations such as edit, analyze and view if it's compiled on macOS.

Supported Formats


Packaging status


  • Rust: 1.56.1+
  • Dependencies
    • Arch Linux: libx11, libxrandr
    • Debian, Ubuntu: libx11-dev/librust-x11-dev, libxrandr-dev
    • Fedora: libX11-devel, libXrandr


menyoki can be installed from using cargo if Rust is installed.

cargo install menyoki

Use --force option to update.

cargo install menyoki --force

Arch Linux

menyoki can be installed from the Arch Linux extra repository.

pacman -S menyoki

Or if you prefer, you can use an available AUR package for installation.

paru menyoki
  • Clone the package and compile it with makepkg:
git clone
cd menyoki-git
makepkg -si


Docker Hub

Download the orhunp/menyoki image from Docker Hub (see available tags):

docker pull orhunp/menyoki:<tag>

Run a container:

docker run orhunp/menyoki:<tag>

Building an image

After cloning the repository, you can build an image from Dockerfile:

docker build -t menyoki .

Then you can either run a container:

docker run menyoki

or spawn a shell inside the container with running it interactively:

docker run -it menyoki /bin/bash


From source

  1. Clone the repository.
git clone && cd menyoki/
  1. Build the project and install binary.
cargo install --path .


  1. Download the latest archive from releases page and extract it.
  2. Move menyoki binary to /usr/local/bin/ (Linux)




Command line arguments of menyoki are designed to be as intuitive as possible. As a result of that, an action can be performed with a chain of subcommands along with the flags and options. The general prototype for the usage of command line arguments is the following:


The subcommand that will indicate the action is mandatory whereas format and output subcommands might be optional (or they might not exist at all). The format subcommand can be one of the supported formats and output basically corresponds to the save subcommand.

The default format is the first listed subcommand if there is not any subcommand given for specifying a format. On the other hand, save subcommand uses the "menyoki" directory in the home (or images if it exists) as the default output directory.


Flags and options that will generally affect the execution of menyoki can be set before specifying the main action to perform. Then the main subcommand (action) must be specified.



    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information
    -v, --verbose    Increase logging verbosity
    -q, --quiet      Do not show output

    -c, --config <FILE>    Set the configuration file
        --color <HEX>      Set the main color [default: 3AA431]

    record     Record an animation
    split      Split an animation into frames
    make       Make an animation from frames
    capture    Capture an image
    edit       Edit an image
    analyze    Analyze an image
    view       View an image


Command Action
menyoki -V Print the version information
menyoki -vv --color FF00FF <action> Set log verbosity level to 2 (trace) and use "FF00FF" as the main color
menyoki -q -c menyoki.conf <action> Run in quiet mode and read the configuration from "menyoki.conf"


menyoki can record an area of a window or the whole screen and encode it as a supported format. Area selection and resize is performed with the key bindings.

A few scenarios that record action might be helpful would be:

  • Record a specific area of a window
  • Record for a given duration
  • Record the output of a command (especially for TUI applications)

Encoding options can be changed using the arguments of the provided format. (See the output of menyoki record gif --help)



    -r, --root          Record the root window
    -f, --focus         Record the focused window
        --select        Select the window to record
        --parent        Record the parent of the window
        --with-alpha    Record with the alpha channel
        --no-keys       Disable the action keys while recording
    -m, --mouse         Select the window with mouse click
    -h, --help          Print help information

        --action-keys <KEYS>    Set the action keys [default: LAlt-S,LAlt-Enter]
        --cancel-keys <KEYS>    Set the cancel keys [default: LControl-D,Escape]
    -b, --border <BORDER>       Set the border width [default: 1]
    -p, --padding <T:R:B:L>     Set the record area padding
    -s, --size <WxH>            Set the record area size
    -d, --duration <S>          Set the duration for recording [default: ∞]
    -c, --countdown <S>         Set the countdown before recording [default: 3]
    -t, --timeout <S>           Set the timeout for window selection [default: 300]
    -i, --interval <MS>         Set the refresh interval for window selection [default: 10]
        --font <FONT>           Set the font to use for window selection
        --monitor <NUM>         Set the monitor to record as root window

    <COMMAND>    Set the command to run

    gif     Use the GIF encoder
    apng    Use the APNG encoder
    save    Save the output file(s)


Command Action
menyoki record Select a window and start recording with default settings
menyoki record --root --countdown 5 Record the root window after 5 seconds of countdown
menyoki record --focus --with-alpha Record the focused window with the alpha channel (for transparency)
menyoki record --size 200x300 --duration 10 Record an area of size 200x300 for 10 seconds
menyoki record --padding 20:10:0:10 --timeout 120 Record an area with given padding and set window selection timeout to 120 seconds
menyoki record --parent Record the parent window of the selected window
menyoki record --root --select --monitor 1 Record the first monitor as root window
menyoki record --border 5 Record the area selected by a border with 5 width
menyoki record --action-keys LControl-Q,LAlt-W Record with the default settings using custom key bindings
menyoki record --cancel-keys LControl-X,E Record with the default settings using custom key bindings
menyoki record gif --fps 15 --quality 90 Record 15 frames per second with 90% quality
menyoki record gif --gifski Record and encode using the gifski encoder
menyoki record gif save "test.gif" --timestamp Record and save as "test.gif" with timestamp in the file name
menyoki record apng --fps 30 Record 30 frames per second and encode as APNG
menyoki -q record save "-" > test.gif Record and redirect output to "test.gif"
menyoki -q record save "-" | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/gif Record and pipes output to xclip's clipboard selection, specifying target as a gif
menyoki -q record "kmon -t 2000" Execute the command and record its output in quiet mode
menyoki record --font "-*-dejavu sans-*-*-*-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" Use custom font for showing the area size (see xfontsel)

Pro Tip

Use slop for selecting an area of the root window (fullscreen) with mouse interaction.

menyoki record --root --size $(slop)


menyoki can split an animation into frames (extract images) if the split subcommand is provided and it can save frames as one of the supported formats with the use of trailing format subcommand.

menyoki split [OPTIONS] <FILE> [SUBCOMMAND]


    -h, --help    Print help information

    -d, --dir <DIRECTORY>    Set the output directory

    <FILE>    Set the animation file

    png     Use the PNG encoder
    jpg     Use the JPG encoder
    webp    Use the WebP encoder
    bmp     Use the BMP encoder
    ico     Use the ICO encoder
    tiff    Use the TIFF encoder
    tga     Use the TGA encoder
    pnm     Use the PNM encoder
    ff      Use the farbfeld encoder
    exr     Use the OpenEXR encoder


Command Action
menyoki split rec.gif Extract frames from the "rec.gif" file
menyoki split rec.gif jpg --quality 100 Extract frames as JPEG in maximum quality
menyoki split rec.gif --dir frames/ Extract frames and save them to the specified directory


make subcommand serves the purpose of creating an animation from a set of images. For example, it can be used for making GIFs from given images either via the command line or the specified directory.



        --gifski     Use the gifski encoder
        --fast       Encode 3 times faster (gifski)
    -n, --no-sort    Use frames in the order given
    -h, --help       Print help information

    -f, --fps <FPS>            Set the FPS [default: 20]
    -q, --quality <QUALITY>    Set the frame quality (1-100) [default: 75]
    -r, --repeat <REPEAT>      Set the number of repetitions [default: ∞]
    -d, --dir <DIRECTORY>      Set the directory to read frames
        --format <FORMAT>      Set the animation format [default: gif]  [possible values: gif, apng]

    <FRAMES>...    Set the animation frames

    save    Save the output file(s)


Command Action
menyoki make 1.png 2.png Make a GIF that consists of two frames as "1.png" and "2.png"
menyoki make 1.png 2.png --fps 5 --quality 100 Make a GIF with the specified properties from given frames
menyoki make 1.png 2.png save 3.gif --date Make a GIF and save the file ("3.gif") with the date information
menyoki make 1.png 2.png --format apng Make an APNG from the given frames
menyoki make --dir frames/ Make a GIF from the frames in the specified directory


menyoki can capture (screenshot) an area of a window or the whole screen and encode it as a supported format. Formats like png, jpg, and pnm have their own flags and options that might be used for changing the default encoding settings. Similar to the record subcommand, area selection and resize is performed with the key bindings. The same flags and options might apply for both record and capture subcommands since the actions are abstractly alike.



    -r, --root          Capture the root window
    -f, --focus         Capture the focused window
        --select        Select the window to capture
        --parent        Record the parent of the window
        --with-alpha    Capture with the alpha channel
    -m, --mouse         Select the window with mouse click
    -h, --help          Print help information

        --action-keys <KEYS>    Set the action keys [default: LAlt-S,LAlt-Enter]
        --cancel-keys <KEYS>    Set the cancel keys [default: LControl-D,Escape]
    -b, --border <BORDER>       Set the border width [default: 1]
    -p, --padding <T:R:B:L>     Set the capture area padding
    -s, --size <WxH>            Set the capture area size
    -c, --countdown <S>         Set the countdown before capturing [default: 0]
    -t, --timeout <S>           Set the timeout for window selection [default: 300]
    -i, --interval <MS>         Set the refresh interval for window selection [default: 10]
        --font <FONT>           Set the font to use for window selection
        --monitor <NUM>         Set the monitor to capture as root window

    <COMMAND>    Set the command to run

    png     Use the PNG encoder
    jpg     Use the JPG encoder
    webp    Use the WebP encoder
    bmp     Use the BMP encoder
    ico     Use the ICO encoder
    tiff    Use the TIFF encoder
    tga     Use the TGA encoder
    pnm     Use the PNM encoder
    ff      Use the farbfeld encoder
    exr     Use the OpenEXR encoder
    save    Save the output file(s)


Command Action
menyoki capture Select a window and screenshot with default settings
menyoki capture --root --countdown 5 Screenshot the root window after 5 seconds of countdown
menyoki capture --focus --with-alpha Screenshot the focused window with the alpha channel (for transparency)
menyoki capture --size 200x300 --duration 10 Screenshot an area of size 200x300 for 10 seconds
menyoki capture --padding 20:10:0:10 --timeout 120 Screenshot an area with given padding and set window selection timeout to 120 seconds
menyoki capture --mouse Screenshot the selected window with a mouse click
menyoki capture png --filter avg --compression fast Screenshot and encode with the specified PNG options
menyoki capture jpg --quality 100 Screenshot and encode with the specified JPEG options
menyoki capture webp --lossless Screenshot and encode with the specified WEBP options
menyoki capture pnm --format pixmap --encoding ascii Screenshot and encode with the specified PNM options
menyoki capture ff save "test.ff" --timestamp Screenshot and save as "test.ff" in farbfeld format with timestamp in the file name
menyoki -q capture png save "-" > test.png Screenshot and redirect output to "test.png"
menyoki -q capture png save "-" | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png Screenshot and pipe output to xclip's clipboard selection, specifying an image/png target
menyoki -q capture "kmon -t 2000" Execute the command and screenshot its output in quiet mode (sets countdown to 3 implicitly)

Also, see the pro tip about --size argument.


edit subcommand can be used to edit (manipulate/filter/convert) files in one of the supported formats. Apart from the flags and options that edit provides, other encoding options can be specified via format subcommand.



        --convert      Convert image using the given encoder
        --grayscale    Convert image to grayscale
        --invert       Invert the colors of the image
    -h, --help         Print help information

        --crop <T:R:B:L>             Apply padding to crop the image
        --resize <WxH>               Resize the image without keeping the aspect ratio
        --ratio <RATIO>              Resize the image proportionally by aspect ratio [default: 1.0]
        --rotate <ROTATE>            Rotate the image (clockwise) [possible values: 90, 180, 270]
        --flip <FLIP>                Flip the image [possible values: horizontal, vertical]
        --blur <SIGMA>               Blur the image [default: 0.0]
        --hue <HUE>                  Adjust the hue of the image [default: Β±0]
        --contrast <CONTRAST>        Adjust the contrast of the image [default: Β±0.0]
        --brightness <BRIGHTNESS>    Adjust the brightness of the image [default: Β±0]
        --filter <FILTER>            Set the sampling filter for scaling [default: lanczos3]  [possible values: nearest, triangle, catmull-rom, gaussian,

    <FILE>    Set the input file

    gif     Use the GIF encoder
    apng    Use the APNG encoder
    png     Use the PNG encoder
    jpg     Use the JPG encoder
    webp    Use the WebP encoder
    bmp     Use the BMP encoder
    ico     Use the ICO encoder
    tiff    Use the TIFF encoder
    tga     Use the TGA encoder
    pnm     Use the PNM encoder
    ff      Use the farbfeld encoder
    exr     Use the OpenEXR encoder
    save    Save the output file(s)


Command Action
menyoki edit test.png Re-encode the "test.png" file without editing
menyoki edit test.png --grayscale Convert image to grayscale
menyoki edit test.png --invert Invert the colors of the image
menyoki edit test.png --crop 20:20:20:20 Apply the given padding to image for cropping
menyoki edit test.png --resize 300x300 Resize the image to 300x300 (without keeping the aspect ratio)
menyoki edit test.png --ratio 0.5 Resize the image to half the size (using the aspect ratio)
menyoki edit test.png --ratio 2.0 --filter gaussian Resize the image using the specified sampling filter
menyoki edit test.png --rotate 90 Rotate the image 90 degrees (clockwise)
menyoki edit test.png --flip horizontal Flip the image horizontally
menyoki edit test.png --blur 2.0 Blur the image
menyoki edit test.png --hue 100 Adjust the hue of the image
menyoki edit test.png --contrast -10.5 Adjust the contrast of the image
menyoki edit test.png --brightness 50 Adjust the brightness of the image
menyoki edit test.png --convert tga Convert image to TGA format
menyoki edit test.png --convert jpg --quality 80 Convert image to JPEG in 80% quality
menyoki edit test.gif --ratio 0.25 gif --quality 80 Resize and re-encode "test.gif"
menyoki edit test.gif gif --speed 0.5 Slow down the GIF (half the speed)
menyoki edit test.gif gif --cut-beginning 1.0 --cut-end 0.5 Cut the duration of GIF by seconds
menyoki edit test.apng --convert gif Convert APNG to GIF
menyoki edit test.ff --grayscale --convert pnm --format arbitrary save "output" --with-extension --date "%H%M%S" test.ff (farbfeld) -> grayscale -> output_020035.pam (PNM)


analyze subcommand serves the purpose of inspecting an image file which is in a supported format and creating a report based on the image details. The report consists of 2 to 3 sections that are file, image, and EXIF information.

menyoki analyze [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <FILE> [SUBCOMMAND]


        --timestamp    Use Unix timestamp for report dates
    -h, --help         Print help information

    -t, --time-zone <TIMEZONE>    Set the time zone of the report [default: utc]  [possible values: utc, local]

    <FILE>    Set the image file

    save    Save the output file(s)


Command Action
menyoki analyze test.jpg Inspect "test.jpg" and print the report
menyoki analyze test.jpg save test_report.txt Inspect "test.jpg" and save the report as "test_report.txt"
menyoki analyze test.jpg --timestamp Inspect the file and create a report based on timestamps
menyoki analyze test.jpg --time-zone local Inspect the file and create a report based on local time zone
menyoki analyze test.jpg --timestamp save --timestamp Use timestamps for both analysis report and file name
Example report
menyoki - image analysis report

File Information
  File:     "Canon_40D.jpg" (8.0 KB)
  Created:  2020-11-11 231334.850884475 UTC
  Modified: 2020-11-11 231334.850884475 UTC
  Accessed: 2020-11-11 231404.647510552 UTC

Image Information
  Format:     JPEG
  Dimensions: 100x68px
  Color Type: RGB8
  Main Colors:
   β€’ #433D2BFF
   β€’ #989069FF
   β€’ #8B7458FF
   β€’ #ADA791FF

  Make: "Canon"
  Model: "Canon EOS 40D"
  Orientation: row 0 at top and column 0 at left
  XResolution: 72 pixels per inch
  YResolution: 72 pixels per inch
  ResolutionUnit: inch
  Software: "GIMP 2.4.5"
  DateTime: 2008-07-31 103811
  YCbCrPositioning: co-sited
  ExposureTime: 1/160 s
  FNumber: f/7.1
  ExposureProgram: manual
  PhotographicSensitivity: 100
  ExifVersion: 2.21
  DateTimeOriginal: 2008-05-30 155601
  DateTimeDigitized: 2008-05-30 155601
  ComponentsConfiguration: YCbCr_
  ShutterSpeedValue: 7.375 EV
  ApertureValue: 5.625 EV
  ExposureBiasValue: 0 EV
  MeteringMode: pattern
  Flash: fired, no return light detection function, forced
  FocalLength: 135 mm
  UserComment: (530 bytes binary data)
  SubSecTime: "00"
  SubSecTimeOriginal: "00"
  SubSecTimeDigitized: "00"
  FlashpixVersion: 1.0
  ColorSpace: sRGB
  PixelXDimension: 100 pixels
  PixelYDimension: 68 pixels
  InteroperabilityIndex: "R98"
  InteroperabilityVersion: 1.00
  FocalPlaneXResolution: 4438.356164383562 pixels per inch
  FocalPlaneYResolution: 4445.969125214408 pixels per inch
  FocalPlaneResolutionUnit: inch
  CustomRendered: normal process
  ExposureMode: manual exposure
  WhiteBalance: auto white balance
  SceneCaptureType: standard
  Compression: JPEG (T)
  XResolution: 72 pixels per inch (T)
  YResolution: 72 pixels per inch (T)
  ResolutionUnit: inch (T)
  JPEGInterchangeFormat: 1090 (T)
  JPEGInterchangeFormatLength: 1378 (T)

generated on 2020-11-11 23:14:04.652826438 UTC


view subcommand can be used to simply view an image from the terminal. It uses the core library of viu.

menyoki view [FLAGS] <FILE>


    -t, --transparent    Display transparent image with transparent background
    -h, --help           Print help information

    <FILE>    Set the input file


Command Action
menyoki view test.jpg View "test.jpg" from the terminal
menyoki view test.png --transparent View "test.png" from the terminal with transparency enabled


It's possible to change the GIF, APNG, PNG, JPG, and PNM encoding options with specifying flags/options to the corresponding subcommands. Also, save subcommand can be used for changing the default output settings.


        --gifski    Use the gifski encoder         <only in GIF>
        --fast      Encode 3 times faster (gifski) <only in GIF>
    -h, --help    Print help information

    -f, --fps <FPS>            Set the FPS [default: 20]
    -q, --quality <QUALITY>    Set the frame quality (1-100) [default: 75] <only in GIF>
    -r, --repeat <REPEAT>      Set the number of repetitions [default: ∞]
    -s, --speed <SPEED>        Set the GIF speed [default: 1.0]
        --cut-beginning <S>    Cut the beginning of the GIF [default: 0.0]
        --cut-end <S>          Cut the end of the GIF [default: 0.0]

    save    Save the output file(s)

(Some options might be only usable with a particular action)


    -h, --help    Print help information

    -c, --compression <COMPRESSION>    Set the compression level [default: fast]  [possible values: default, fast, best]
    -f, --filter <FILTER>              Set the filter algorithm [default: sub]  [possible values: none, sub, up, avg, paeth]

    save    Save the output file(s)


    -h, --help    Print help information

    -q, --quality <QUALITY>    Set the image quality (1-100) [default: 90]

    save    Save the output file(s)


    -l, --lossless    Use lossless encoding
    -h, --help        Print help information

    -q, --quality <QUALITY>    Set the lossy encoding quality (1-100) [default: 80]

    save    Save the output file(s)


    -h, --help    Print help information

    -f, --format <FORMAT>        Set the PNM format [default: pixmap]  [possible values: bitmap, graymap, pixmap, arbitrary]
    -e, --encoding <ENCODING>    Set the encoding for storing the samples [default: binary]  [possible values: binary, ascii]

    save    Save the output file(s)


    -e, --with-extension    Always save the file with an extension
    -t, --timestamp         Add Unix timestamp to the file name
    -h, --help              Print help information

    -d, --date <FORMAT>    Add formatted date/time to the file name [default: %Y%m%dT%H%M%S]

    <FILE>    Set the output file

Key Bindings

Key bindings are only used and present while capture or record actions are performed. Essentially key bindings are for selecting capture/record areas and resizing them without any mouse interaction.

There are 3 types of key bindings in terms of performed action:

  • Action keys (main action keys such as LAlt-S, can be customized via --action-keys and --cancel-keys options)
  • Cancel keys (the keys that will cancel the operation, e.g. LControl-D)
  • Miscellaneous keys (the keys that can be used for resizing the selected area such as LAlt-[up])
Key Action
LAlt-[S/Enter] Start/stop recording or screenshot the selected area
LControl-D, Escape Cancel the current operation
LControl-C Cancel the current operation or stop recording
LAlt-[arrow keys/hjkl] Increase the area padding (decrease the size of the area)
LControl-LAlt-[arrow keys/hjkl] Decrease the area padding (increase the size of the area)
LShift-LAlt-[arrow keys/hjkl] Reposition the selected area (move around)
LAlt-[1-9] Set the speed factor of changing the area size (default: 3)
LAlt-R Reset the area padding to default

key bindings


It's possible to override the default command line arguments with a configuration file. It can be specified via --config option or $MENYOKI_CONFIG environment variable. Also, it can be placed to a location where menyoki looks for as default:

  • {CONFIG_DIR}/menyoki.conf
  • {CONFIG_DIR}/menyoki/menyoki.conf
  • {CONFIG_DIR}/menyoki/config

{CONFIG_DIR} can be one of the following depending on the platform:

  • Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config
    • e.g. /home/orhun/.config
  • macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support
    • e.g. /Users/Orhun/Library/Application Support
  • Windows: {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}
    • e.g. C:\Users\Orhun\AppData\Roaming
Default configuration file*
verbose = 0
quiet = false
color = 3AA431

root = false
focus = true
select = true
parent = false
with-alpha = false
no-keys = false
mouse = false
action-keys = LAlt-S,LAlt-Enter
cancel-keys = LControl-D,Escape
border = 1
#padding = T:R:B:L
#size = WxH
duration = ∞
countdown = 3
timeout = 300
interval = 10
#font =
#monitor =
#command =

#dir =
#file =

#no-sort = false
fps = 20
quality = 75
repeat = ∞
#dir =
format = gif

root = false
focus = true
select = true
parent = false
with-alpha = false
mouse = false
action-keys = LAlt-S,LAlt-Enter
cancel-keys = LControl-D,Escape
border = 1
#padding = T:R:B:L
#size = WxH
countdown = 0
timeout = 300
interval = 10
#font =
#monitor =
#command =

convert = false
grayscale = false
invert = false
#crop = T:R:B:L
#resize = WxH
ratio = 1.0
#rotate =
#flip =
blur = 0.0
hue = Β±0
contrast = Β±0.0
brightness = Β±0
filter = lanczos3
#file =

timestamp = false
time-zone = utc
#file =

transparent = false
#file =

with-extension = false
timestamp = false
date = %Y%m%dT%H%M%S
#file =

gifski = false
fast = false
fps = 20
quality = 75
repeat = ∞
speed = 1.0
cut-beginning = 0.0
cut-end = 0.0

fps = 20
repeat = ∞
speed = 1.0
cut-beginning = 0.0
cut-end = 0.0

compression = fast
filter = sub

quality = 90

quality = 80
lossless = false

format = pixmap
encoding = binary

Environment Variables

Corresponding environment variables can be set for overriding the command line flags and options. The general prototype of the variables that menyoki checks are the following:



Command Environment Variables
menyoki --quiet MENYOKI_GENERAL_QUIET=true
menyoki record gif --fps 10 save --timestamp MENYOKI_GIF_FPS=10 MENYOKI_SAVE_TIMESTAMP=true
menyoki capture --size 200x300 jpg --quality 100 MENYOKI_CAPTURE_SIZE=200x300 MENYOKI_JPG_QUALITY=100
menyoki edit test.png --ratio 2.0 --filter triangle MENYOKI_EDIT_RATIO=2.0 MENYOKI_EDIT_FILTER=triangle
menyoki split test.gif --dir frames/ pnm --format graymap MENYOKI_SPLIT_DIR=frames/ MENYOKI_PNM_FORMAT=graymap
menyoki analyze test.png --timestamp save --date %H%M%S MENYOKI_ANALYZE_TIMESTAMP=true MENYOKI_SAVE_DATE=%H%M%S
menyoki view test.png --transparent MENYOKI_VIEW_TRANSPARENT=true


The following are the ultimate goals of the menyoki project.


menyoki should be packaged for other distributions and package managers (such as Nixpkgs and Homebrew) for easy access and installation.


Supported platforms list should be extended by implementing the core features of menyoki on different systems. (See #2, #4 and #5)


All the image formats that image-rs supports for encoding should be implemented in menyoki. Also, the implementation of other image and video formats should be considered for encoding the frames in record/capture action. (See supported formats)


Encoding/decoding of some formats like GIF might be optimized for speed and efficiency. Alternative ways and options should be considered depending on the benchmarks in such cases.


menyoki should be tested against different platforms and bugs must be reported for further development and support.


About the project

Why "menyoki"?

It's a reference to the author's favorite character from the game Patapon 2.

Menyokki (aka Tree-Pon due to his resembling a tree) is a type of Rarepon introduced in Patapon 2. Its evolved form is Kisuk, and its ultimate form is Moriussoo. These Rarepons are green and resemble plants in various stages of development: Menyokki is a seedling, Kisuk is a sapling and Moriussoo is a full-grown tree.

The Menyokki sprite that is used as the project's logo was originally drawn by OwocekTV for the fan made game Patafour. He is also the creator and lead developer of Patafour and he is working on bringing the long awaited 4th installment of the Patapon franchise to life with the rest of the team.

Thanks to owodzeg for his hard work on Patafour and the help with the menyoki logo. Kudos!

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    • Follow @orhun
    • Follow @orhundev


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Copyright Β© 2020-2024, Orhun ParmaksΔ±z