QuadTree<Point> quadTree = new QuadTree<Point>(new Rectangle(0, 0, 100), maxNodesBeforeSubdividing);
Watch video to see an example of how it works : VIDEO LINK
This QuadTree accepts nodes which has inherited interfaces, IHasRect and IHasID.
You can Insert a node or objects which has inherited IHasRect and IHasID interfaces in the QuadTree and you can define how many nodes can a leaf accept before subdividing.
float positionX = 5;
float positionY = 5;
float radius = 1;
// Inserts a point in the QuadTree
Point point = new Point(new Rectangle(positionX, positionY, radius));
Here is an representational example of 3 nodes before subdividing.
This Query Method returns a List of ID's of the points inside the searching area. You can Query an area of with an instance of Rectangle which has an X and Y and a Radius to search the points inside the QuadTree.
List<int> pointIDs = quadTree.Query(new Rectangle(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y, searchingRadius));
This Method sets root = false to and numberOfNodesInserted = 0 which makes the Quadtree's array of nodes to be overwritten next time when inserting, I don't like to set the array of node to null because next time when inserting we should make a new instance of the array and it reduces performance, so what happens is next time when reusing the inserted nodes overwrites on the array nodes.
Some other good resources to take a look at. ✅
Microsoft ReferenceStackoverflow explanation
Stackoverflow explanation 2