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PHP web framework optimized for building Business Applications

Created as simplified and lightweight alternative to other PHP frameworks



  • simple and straightforward in development and maintenance
  • MVC-like
    • code, data, templates are split
    • code consists of: controllers, models, framework core and optional 3rd party libs
    • uses ParsePage template engine
    • data stored by default in MySQL database using db.php
  • RESTful with some practical enhancements
  • integrated auth - simple flat access levels auth
  • UI based on Bootstrap 5 with minimal custom CSS and themes support - it's easy to customzie or apply your own theme
  • use of well-known 3rd party libraries: jQuery, jQuery Form, jGrowl, markdown libs, etc...



  1. put contents of /www into your webserver's public html folder
  2. edit /www/php/ (or config.localhost.php for development)
  3. create database from /db/fwdatabase.sql, /db/lookups.sql and others (if needed)
  4. open site in your browser and login with credentials as defined in fwdatabase.sql
  5. review log in /logs/osafw.log

Directory structure

/db                  - initial fwdatabase.sql script and update sql scripts
/logs/osafw.log      - application log (ensure to enable write rights to /logs dir for webserver)
/www                 - application public root folder
  /php               - all the PHP code is here
    /controllers     - your controllers
    /fw              - framework core libs
    /models          - your models
    /vendor          - composer libs
    /config.*.php    - settings for db connection, mail, logging...
  /template          - all the html templates
  /upload            - upload dir for public files
  /assets            - your web frontend assets
  /favicon.ico       - change to your favicon!
  /robots.txt        - default robots.txt (empty)

REST mappings

Controllers automatically directly mapped to URLs, so developer doesn't need to write routing rules:

  • GET /Controller - list view IndexAction()
  • GET /Controller/ID - one record view ShowAction()
  • GET /Controller/new - one record new form ShowFormAction()
  • GET /Controller/ID/edit - one record edit form ShowFormAction()
  • GET /Controller/ID/delete - one record delete confirmation form ShowDeleteAction()
  • POST /Controller - insert new record SaveAction()
  • PUT /Controller - update multiple records SaveMultiAction()
  • POST/PUT /Controller/ID - update record SaveAction()
  • DELETE /Controller/ID - delete record DeleteAction()
  • GET/POST /Controller/(Something)[/ID] - call for arbitrary action from the controller SomethingAction()
  • GET/POST /Controller/Something[/ID] - call for arbitrary action from the controller SomethingAction(), in this case action name should be less than 32 characters

For example GET /Products will call ProductsController.IndexAction() And this will cause rendering templates from /www/template/products/index

ID can be numeric or 32-char string like UUID (without dashes) For example GET /Products/123 will call ProductsController.ShowAction(123)

Request Flow

highlighted as bold is where you could place your code.

    • FwHooks.initRequest() - place code here which need to be run on request start
  • fw.dispatch() - performs REST urls matching and calls controller/action, if no controller found calls HomeController.NotFoundAction(), if no requested action found in controller - calls controller action defined in contoller's route_default_action (either "index" or "show")
    • fw._auth() - check if user can access requested controller/action, also performs basic CSRF validation
    • fw.call_controller()
      • SomeController.init() - place code here which need to be run every time request comes to this controller
      • SomeController.SomeAction() - your code for particular action
        • SomeModel.someMethod() - controllers may call model's methods, place most of your business logic in models
  • fw.Finalize()


  • GET /Admin/Users

    • FwHooks.initRequest()
    • AdminUsers.init()
    • AdminUsers.IndexAction()
    • then ParsePage parses templates from /template/admin/users/index/
  • GET /Admin/Users/123/edit

    • FwHooks.initRequest()
    • AdminUsers.init()
    • AdminUsers.ShowFormAction(123)
    • then ParsePage parses templates from /template/admin/users/showform/
  • POST /Admin/Users/123

    • FwHooks.initRequest()
    • AdminUsers.init()
    • AdminUsers.SaveAction(123)
      • Users.update(123)
    • fw.redirect("/Admin/Users/123/edit") //redirect back to edit screen after db updated
  • GET /Admin/Users/(Custom)/123?param1=1&param2=ABC - controller's custom action (non-standard REST)

    • FwHooks.initRequest()
    • AdminUsers.init()
    • AdminUsers.CustomAction(123) - here you can get params using reqi("param1") -> 1 and reqs("params") -> "ABC"
    • then ParsePage parses templates from /template/admin/users/custom/ unless you redirect somewhere else
  • POST /Admin/Users/(Custom)/123 with posted params param1=1 and param2=ABC

    • FwHooks.initRequest()
    • AdminUsers.init()
    • AdminUsers.CustomAction(123) - here you can still get params using reqi("param1") -> 1 and reqs("params") -> "ABC"
    • then ParsePage parses templates from /template/admin/users/custom/ unless you redirect somewhere else

Flow in IndexAction

Frequently asked details about flow for the IndexAction() (in controllers inherited from FwAdminController and FwDynamicController):

  1. initFilter() - initializes this.list_filter from query string filter params &f[xxx]=..., note, filters remembered in session
  2. setListSorting() - initializes this.list_orderby based on list_filter("sortby") and list_filter("sortdir"), also uses this.list_sortdef and this.list_sortmap which can be set in controller's init() or in config.json
  3. setListSearch() - initializes this.list_where based on list_filter("s") and this.search_fields
  4. setListSearchStatus() - add to this.list_where filtering by status field if such field defined in the controller's model
  5. getListRows() - query database and save rows to this.list_rows (only current page based on this.list_filter("pagenum") and this.list_filter("pagesize")). Also sets this.list_count to total rows matched by filters and this.list_pager for pagination if there are more than one page. Uses this.list_view, this.list_where, this.list_orderby

You could either override these particular methods or whole IndexAction() in your specific controller.

The following controller fields used above can be defined in controller's init() or in config.json:

  • this.list_sortdef - default list sorting in format: "sort_name[ asc|desc]"
  • this.list_sortmap - mapping for sort names (from list_filter["sortby"]) to actual db fields, Hashtable sort_name => db_field_name
  • this.search_fields - search fields, space-separated
  • this.list_view - table/view to use in getListRows(), if empty model's table_name used


Application configuration available via fw.config->[SettingName]. Most of the global settings defined in config.*.php. But there are several caclulated settings:

SettingName Description Example
hostname set from server variable HTTP_HOST
ROOT_DOMAIN protocol+hostname
ROOT_URL part of the url if Application installed under sub-url /suburl if App installed under
site_root physical application path to the root of public directory C:\inetpub\somesite\www
template physical path to the root of templates directory C:\inetpub\somesite\www\template
log physical path to application log file C:\inetpub\somesite\logs\osafw.log
tmp physical path to the system tmp directory C:\Windows\Temp


In FwDynamicController controller behaviour defined by /template/CONTROLLER/config.json. Sample file can be fount at /template/admin/demosdynamic/config.json This config file allows to define/override several properties of the FwController (for example: as model, save_fields, search_fields, list_view,...) as well as define configuration of Show (show_fields) and ShowForm ( showform_fields) screens. Note is_dynamic_show and is_dynamic_showform should be set to true accordingly. There are samples for the one show_fields or showform_fields element:

  //minimal setup to display the field value
  "type": "plaintext",
  "field": "iname",
  "label": "Title"


<div class="form-row">
    <label class="col-form-label">Title</label>
    <div class="col">
        <p class="form-control-plaintext">FIELD_VALUE</p>
  //more complex - displays dropdown with values from lookup model
  "type": "select",
  "field": "demo_dicts_id",
  "label": "DemoDicts",
  "lookup_model": "DemoDicts",
  "is_option0": true,
  "class_contents": "col-md-3",
  "class_control": "on-refresh"


<div class="form-row">
    <label class="col-form-label">DemoDicts</label>
    <div class="col-md-3">
        <select id="demo_dicts_id" name="item[demo_dicts_id]" class="form-control on-refresh">
            <option value="0">- select -</option>
            ... select options from lookup here...
Field name Description Example
type required, Element type, see values in table below select - renders as <select> html
field Field name from database.table or arbitrary name for non-db block demo_dicts_id - in case of select id value won't be displayed, but used to select active list element
label Label text Demo Dictionary
lookup_model Model name where to read lookup values DemoDicts
is_option0 only for "select" type, if true - includes <option value="0">option0_title</option> false(default),true
is_option_empty only for "select" type, if true - includes <option value="">option0_title</option> false(default),true
option0_title only for "select" type for is_option0 or is_option_empty option title "- select -"(default)
required make field required (both client and server-side validation), for showform_fields only false(default),true
maxlength set input's maxlength attribute, for showform_fields only 10
max set input type="number" max attribute, for showform_fields only 999
min set input type="number" min attribute, for showform_fields only 0
step set input type="number" step attribute, for showform_fields only 0.1
placeholder set input's maxlength attribute, for showform_fields only "Enter value here"
autocomplete_url type="autocomplete". Input will get data from autocomplete_url?q=%QUERY where %QUERY will be replaced with input value, for showform_fields only /Admin/SomeLookup/(Autocompete)
is_inline type radio or yesno. If true - place all options in one line, for showform_fields only true(default),false
rows set textarea rows attribute, for showform_fields only 5
class Class(es) added to the wrapping div.form-row mb-2 - add bottom margin under the control block
attrs Arbitrary html attributes for the wrapping div.form-row data-something="123"
class_label Class(es) added to the label.col-form-label col-md-3(default) - set label width
class_contents Class(es) added to the div that wraps input control col(default) - set control width
class_control Class(es) added to the input control to change appearance/behaviour "on-refresh" - forms refreshes(re-submits) when input changed
attrs_control Arbitrary html attributes for the input control data-something="123"
help_text Help text displayed as muted text under control block "Minimum 8 letters and digits required"
admin_url For type="plaintext_link", controller url, final URL will be: "<~admin_url>/<~lookup_id>" /Admin/SomeController
lookup_id to use with admin_url, if link to specific ID required 123
att_category For type="att_edit", att category new upload will be related to "general"(default)
validate Simple validation codes: exists, isemail, isphone, isdate, isfloat "exists isemail" - input value validated if such value already exists, validate if value is an email
type values
Type Description
available for both show_fields and showform_fields
plaintext Plain text
plaintext_link Plain text with a link to "admin_url"
markdown Markdown text (server-side rendered)
noescape Value without htmlescape
float Value formatted with 2 decimal digits
checkbox Read-only checkbox (checked if value equal to true value)
date Date in default format - M/d/yyyy
date_long Date in logn forma - M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss
multi Multi-selection list with checkboxes (read-only)
att Block for displaying one attachment/file
att_links Block for displaying multiple attachments/files
added Added on date/user block
updated Updated on date/user block
available only showform_fields
group_id ID with Submit/Cancel buttons block
group_id_addnew ID with Submit/Submit and Add New/Cancel buttons block
select select with options html block
input input type="text" html block
textarea textaread html block
email input type="email" html block
number input type="number" html block
autocomplete input type="text" with autocomplete using "autocomplete_url"
multicb Multi-selection list with checkboxes
radio radio options block
yesno radio options block with Yes(1)/No(2) only
cb single checkbox block
date_popup date selection input with popup calendar block
att_edit Block for selection/upload one attachment/file
att_links_edit Block for selection/upload multiple attachments/files

How to Debug

Main and recommended approach - use logger() function, which is globally available. Examples: logger("some string to log", var_to_dump), logger("WARN", "warning message") All logged messages and var content (complex objects will be dumped wit structure when possible) written on debug console as well as to log file (default /logs/osafw.log) You could configure log level in your config.*.php - search "LOG_LEVEL"

Another debug functions that might be helpful are:

  1. rw($var) this function will work like var_dump and just dump variable structure and data to browser (with some formatting)
  2. rwe($var) same as above, but immediately die to stop script

Best Practices / Recommendations

  • naming conventions:
    • table name: user_lists (lowercase, underscore delimiters is optional)
    • model name: UserLists (UpperCamelCase)
    • controller name: UserListsController or AdminUserListsController (UpperCamelCase with "Controller" suffix)
    • template path: /template/userlists
  • keep all paths without trailing slash, use beginning slash where necessary
  • db updates:
    • first, make changes in /db/fwdatabase.sql - this file is used to create db from scratch
    • then create a file /db/updates/updYYYY-MM-DD[-123].sql with all the CREATE, ALTER, UPDATE... - this will allow to apply just this update to existing database instances
  • use fw.route_redirect() if you got request to one Controller.Action, but need to continue processing in another Controller.Action
    • for example, if for a logged user you need to show detailed data and always skip list view - in the IndexAction() just use fw.routeRedirect("ShowForm")
  • uploads
    • save all public-readable uploads under /www/upload (default, see "UPLOAD_DIR" in config.*.php)
    • for non-public uploads use /upload
    • or S3 model and upload to the cloud
  • put all validation code into controller's Validate(). See usage example in AdminDemosController
  • use logger() and review /logs/osafw.log if you stuck
    • make sure you have "LOG_LEVEL" set to "DEBUG" in your config.*.php

How to quickly create a Report

  • all reports accessed via AdminReportsController
    • IndexAction - shows a list of all available reports (basically renders static html template with a link to specific reports)
    • ShowAction - based on passed report code calls related Report model
  • base report model is FwReports, major methods (you may override in the specific report):
    • getReportFilters() - set data for the report filters
    • getReportData() - returns report data, usually based on some sql query (see Sample report)
  • ReportSample model (in \www\php\models\Reports folder) is a sample report implementation, that can be used as a template to build custom reports
  • basic steps to create a new report:
    • copy \www\php\models\Reports\Sample.php to \www\php\models\Reports\Cool.php (to create Cool report)
    • edit Cool.php and rename "Sample" to "Cool"
    • modify getReportFilters() to match your report filters
    • modify getReportData() to edit sql query and related post-processing
    • copy templates folder \www\template\reports\sample to \www\template\reports\cool
    • edit templates:
      • title.html - report title
      • list_filter.html - for filters
      • report_html.html - for report table/layout/appearance
    • add link to a new report to \www\template\reports\index\main.html


Business Applications Web Framework, PHP








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