Releases: osbridge/openconferenceware
Releases · osbridge/openconferenceware
- Added missing database indexes and improved index naming
- Fixed image paths in CSS
- Fixed some issues with the Ignite-style proposal list
- Added a feature flag to enable/disable user favorites
- Improved handling of OmniAuth OpenID and failure cases
- Removed CacheLookupsMixin
- Extracted sensitive configuration values to config/secrets.yml
- Improved gem packaging
- Added a generator to copy views from the engine into the host app
- Cleaned up file naming and unnecessary files
- Converted to a Rails engine
- Packaged as a gem: open_conference_ware
- Added a generator to set up config files and seed data
- Updated documentation to reflect new packaging
- [!] This is the final release that will be distributed as a Rails application, future releases will be packaged as a gem, providing a Rails engine
- Upgraded to Rails 4.0.2
- Enabled the Rails asset pipeline
- Dropped support for Ruby 1.8.7
- [!] This is the final release to support Ruby 1.8.7
- Upgraded to Rails 3.2
- Look and feel is now based on Bootstrap, not on the Open Source Bridge site
- Replaced outdated authenticaiton system with OmniAuth
- Improved database support
- Locked down a few dependencies for compatibility
- Fixed timezone issues in test
- Improved documentation
- Added Twitter card metadata to proposal pages.
- Disabled XML parameter parsing, a security workaround for CVE-2013-0156.
- Disabled YAML parsing in JSON parsing code, security patch for CVE-2013-0333
- Disabled rich text editing for snippets
- Include accepted-but-not-confirmed proposals in admin schedule
- Improve status notification system.
- Updated bridgepdx theme for 2014 conference.
- Added speaking experience to proposals.
- Added audience level to proposals.
- Added PDF generation for per-room schedule sheets.
- Added support for waitlisted sesssions.
- Added the ability to notify speakers of their selection status and request confirmation.
- Added a script to generate a user favorites contention report.
- Add JSON output for Events, Rooms, and Tracks.
- Improved selector votes.
- Tweak schedule styling.
- Improved spec coverage.
- Updated bridgepdx theme for 2013 conference.
- Fixed "remember me" feature for logging in through a token.
- Fixed session type and proposal validations.
- Improved event management experience.
- Added CSV exports for speakers.
- Added capistrano tasks to download production data
- Added customizable agreement field to settings
- Improve documentation.
- Updated bridgepdx theme for 2012 conference.
- Added support for session audio linking and playback to session pages.
- Added selection committee voting interface.
- Fixed issues with Rails caching.
- Updated bridgepdx theme for 2011 conference.
- Improved exception notification emails.