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Building a Spark Project

The purpose of this lab is to create and build a Spark project using Scala and SBT. By following these steps, you’ll learn how to set up the project, understand its structure, and use SBT commands to compile and package your application.

Step 1: Set Up the Project

  1. Create a New Project:

    • Follow the tutorial at to generate a new Spark project using the Giter8 template engine.
    • Run the following command:
      sbt new osekoo/spark-scala.g8
    • Provide the required details, such as the project name (wordcount), Scala version (2.12.18), and Spark version (3.5.2).
  2. Open the Project in an IDE:

    • Use your favorite IDE (e.g., Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ IDEA) to open the project as described in the tutorial. This will make editing and managing your code easier.

Step 2: Understand the Project Structure

The project template generates the following files and folders:

1. build.sbt

  • Purpose: The main configuration file for the SBT build tool.
  • Content:
    • Project settings (name, version, Scala version).
    • Dependencies for Spark and other libraries.
  • Example:
      name := "wordcount"
      version := "0.1"
      scalaVersion := "2.12.18"
      val sparkVersion = "3.5.2"
      libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
        "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % sparkVersion,
        "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-sql" % sparkVersion,
        "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-mllib" % sparkVersion % "provided"

2. src/main/scala/MainApp.scala

  • Purpose: The main entry point of your Spark application.
  • Content:
    • A basic Spark job that processes data.
  • Example:
        import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

object MainApp { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val spark = SparkSession.builder .appName("Word Count") .getOrCreate() // create a Spark session

spark.sparkContext.setLogLevel("ERROR")  // set the log level to ERROR (possible values: ALL, DEBUG, ERROR, FATAL, INFO, OFF, TRACE, WARN)

val size = args(0).toInt // number of lines to generate
wordCount(spark, size) // call the wordCount function

spark.stop() // stop the Spark session


private def wordCount(spark: SparkSession, size: Int): Unit = { val fruits = Seq("apple", "banana", "carrot", "orange", "kiwi", "melon", "pineapple") // list of fruits val colors = Seq("red", "yellow", "orange", "green", "brown", "blue", "purple") // list of colors // pick between 5 and 15 colored fruits randomly as one item of a seq and repeat them 1000 times to create a dataset val data = (1 to size).map(_ => (1 to scala.util.Random.nextInt(10) + 5).map(_ => s"${colors(scala.util.Random.nextInt(colors.length))} ${fruits(scala.util.Random.nextInt(fruits.length))}").mkString(", "))

// print the first 10 items of the dataset
println("\n============================ Dataset ============================")

// create an RDD from the dataset
val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data)
val wordCounts = rdd
  .flatMap(line => line.split("[ ,]")) // split each line into words
  .filter(word => word.nonEmpty) // filter out empty words
  .map(word => (word, 1)) // create a tuple of (word, 1)
  .reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b) // sum the counts
  .sortBy(a => a._2, ascending = false) // sort by count in descending order

println("\n============================ Word count result ============================")
wordCounts.collect().foreach(println) // print the result

} }

#### **3. `spark-env`**
- **Purpose**: A script to start the local Spark cluster.
- **Content**: 
- Starts Spark master and worker processes.
- **Usage**: Run it to start the Spark cluster.

#### **4. `spark-submit-job`**
- **Purpose**: A script to execute spark job.
- **Content**:
- Run it to submit spark job and execute it on the local cluster.

### **Step 3: SBT Commands**
SBT (Scala Build Tool) is essential for managing your project. Below are the key SBT commands you’ll use:

1. **`sbt compile`**:
 - Compiles the Scala source files.
 - Checks for syntax errors and ensures dependencies are correctly resolved.

2. **`sbt package`**:
 - Packages your project into a JAR file.
 - The resulting JAR is located in the `target/scala-<version>/` directory.

3. **`sbt assembly`** (Optional):
 - Creates a "fat JAR" containing all dependencies.
 - Useful for deploying the application to a cluster.

4. **`sbt clean`**:
 - Removes previously compiled files and artifacts.

### **Step 4: Run the Application**

#### **1. Package the Application**
Run the following command to compile and package the project:
sbt package

2.1 Start the Cluster

Start the cluster using the spark-env script:


2.2 Start the Application

From the Spark environement, run the application using the spark-submit-job script:


3. Monitor Spark Dashboard

While the application is running, open the Spark UI to monitor job execution:

4. Stop the Spark Cluster

After completing the application run, stop the Spark cluster:


What is spark-submit?

spark-submit is a command-line tool provided by Apache Spark to submit and run Spark applications on various Spark-supported cluster managers (e.g., standalone, YARN, Mesos, Kubernetes) or locally on your machine.

It acts as the entry point to execute your compiled Spark application JAR, passing it configuration parameters, application-specific arguments, and resource details.

How Does spark-submit Work?

  1. Reads the Application JAR: The tool loads the JAR file containing your application code.
  2. Submits the Job to Spark Cluster: Sends the application to the Spark cluster (or local Spark environment) based on the specified --master configuration.
  3. Allocates Resources: Determines how many cores, memory, and executors are needed.
  4. Runs the Application: Executes your Spark code and provides logs for debugging or monitoring.

Common Syntax

The basic syntax for spark-submit is:

spark-submit [options] <application-jar> [application-arguments]

Key Options in spark-submit

  1. Cluster Manager

    • --master: Specifies where to run the application (e.g., local, standalone cluster, or YARN).
    • Examples:
      • --master local[*]: Run locally with all available cores.
      • --master spark://<master-host>:7077: Submit to a standalone cluster.
  2. Deploy Mode

    • --deploy-mode: Defines how the driver runs.
      • client: Driver runs on the submitting machine.
      • cluster: Driver runs on the cluster (for non-local clusters).
  3. Application Resources

    • --num-executors: Number of executors to use.
    • --executor-cores: Number of cores per executor.
    • --executor-memory: Memory allocated per executor (e.g., 2G).
  4. Application Main Class

    • --class: Specifies the main class of your application.
  5. Files and Dependencies

    • --jars: Additional JAR files required for the application.
    • --files: Files to distribute to executors.
    • --packages: Maven coordinates for additional dependencies.
  6. Logging and Debugging

    • --verbose: Displays detailed output.
    • --conf: Sets custom Spark configurations (e.g., spark.executor.extraJavaOptions).

Example Usage

1. Run a Spark Application

spark-submit \
    --deploy-mode client \
    --master "spark://localhost:7077" \
    --executor-cores 4 \
    --executor-memory 2G \
    --num-executors 4 \
    --class "MainApp" \
    "target/scala-2.12/wordcount_2.12-0.1.jar" \
  • Runs the application locally using all available cores.
  • The main class is MainApp.
  • The JAR file is located in target/scala-2.12/wordcount_2.12-0.1.jar.

3. Submit with Additional Files and Dependencies

spark-submit \
  --master spark://spark-master:7077 \
  --class MainApp \
  --files data/input.csv \
  --jars external-lib.jar \
  • Distributes data/input.csv to executors.
  • Includes external-lib.jar as an additional dependency.

How spark-submit Fits Into Your Workflow

  • Development: Use sbt or IDE tools to run locally during development.
  • Testing: Use spark-submit with --master local for testing.
  • Production: Use spark-submit to deploy applications to standalone clusters or resource managers like YARN or Kubernetes.

Integration with the Lab

In the lab, the spark-submit-job script internally uses spark-submit to start the Spark application. You can view or customize the spark-submit command in the script:

This demonstrates how spark-submit is essential for running Spark applications in various environments, offering flexibility and control over resource allocation and execution.

Questions to Explore

  1. Project Structure:

    • What is the purpose of the build.sbt file?
    • How does MainApp.scala interact with Spark?
  2. SBT Commands:

    • What is the difference between sbt package and sbt assembly?
  3. Spark Monitoring:

    • What information does the Spark UI provide?
    • How can you optimize your Spark job based on Spark UI metrics?
  4. Scripts:

    • What does the spark-env script automate?
    • What does the spark-submit-job script automate?


By completing this lab, you will:

  • Set up and build a Spark project using Scala and SBT.
  • Understand the project structure and key files.
  • Use SBT commands to compile and package your Spark application.
  • Run and monitor your application using Spark's built-in tools.

Feel free to ask questions or explore additional details to enhance your understanding!


Hands-On Spark Scala (2025)






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