A Discord bot for OSL Discord Server, features include a few commands mentioned below.
- !help - Show all bot commands
- !discord - Guides you how to use discord
- !ping - Shows the current ping of the bot server
- !dice - Throw one or more dice up and display the result
- !coinflip - Throw a coin up and display the result
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Download repo and extract
- Open terminal and CD into the project folder
- Run 'npm install' to install dependancies
- Visit https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me and create new app, giving it a name and avatar.
- Scroll down and "Create bot user", then copy the token
- Create a .env file to store copied token under variable "Bot_token" and save the file
- Fire up node by entering 'node index.js' into the terminal
- Now you should see your bot online on discord
You should now be running the bot on your local system
├── README.md
├── cmds -> Add your commands here
| ├── coinflip.js
| ├── dice.js
| ├── help.js
| └── ping.js
├── index.js
├── package-lock.json
└── package.json
- Discord JS - The framework used
- An Idiots Guide - Referenced thier guide
- Threebow - Awesome video tutorials