Recently, we had a baby and my girlfriend started breast feeding. Monitoring the duration of the feeding, how much time since the last one and how many during the day was a pain. So, I decided to build an easy to use clock that would display all the relevant info.
Adafruit's PyPortal (more info) was used for this project. It integrates all the needed components in a compact package:
- ATMEL (Microchip) ATSAMD51J20
- 3.2″ 320 x 240 color TFT with resistive touch screen.
- Espressif ESP32 Wi-Fi coprocessor
The main characteristics of the feeding clock are:
- An information screen that displays the time since the last feeding and the number of feeding during the day.
- A timer screen that displays the time since the beginning of the feeding.
Simple touch interface. One touch to display the information screen for 30 sec and a second one to start the timer screen. Finally, a third touch to end the timer and go back to the information screen with the updated info.
Start, end feeding time as well as the cumulative number of feedings are sent to Adafruit IO automatically for further analysis and history saving.
To install all the needed librairies follow the steps here. Background & fonts used are included in this repository but can easily be modified. Finally, add a file named
at the root of the Circuit Python drive with the following information:
secrets = {
'ssid' : 'your_ssid',
'password' : 'your_ssid_password',
'timezone' : "your_timezone_to_set_the_time",
'aio_username' : 'your_adafruit_io_username',
'aio_key' : 'your_adafruit_io_key',