- Linux: Created and firstly supported on linux. This means that linux will get the most development time and will have update priority.
- Windows: windows will be a run target so we will attempt to garantee builds and security
- Os X: probably works find (untested)
- pdftoppm/poppler-utils (Might be switched out for poppler (crate) or poppler-rs (crate) in the future
- LINUX: preinstalled on most linux distros and installable as poppler-utils
- MAC: homebrew page
- WINDOWS/MAC/LINUX: xpdfreader.com
- tesseract ocr
- taking in multiple formats
- coned
- hyper
- and other (add later)
- automatically generate xsl skelletons and pottentially other formats later
- document how to use a terminal and use basic commands like commands like cd
- document how to run checks
- document how to set up filestructure for checks