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Otakuthon LAN Infrastructure As Code

Built with Nix

Development instructions

  1. Install Nix on your system and enable flake support.
  2. If you have direnv installed and set up, run direnv allow. Otherwise, enter the devShell using nix develop.
  3. Enter your GPG key when asked to decrypt the secrets files.
  4. Hack away!

Deploying NixOS LXC containers on Proxmox

  1. Run nix build .#packages.x86_64-linux.<hostname>
  2. Verify that the disk image is created in result/tarball/nixos-system-x86_64-linux.tar.xz
  3. Log into the proxmox web interface and select the local storage pool from the left pane.
  4. Select the CT Templates section of the storage, delete any existing nixos-system-x86_64-linux.tar.xz template if it exists.
  5. Click "Upload" and browse to the aformentioned result/tarball/nixos-system-x86_64-linux.tar.xz and upload it to the server.
  6. Select "New CT" from the top right and follow the wizard to create a new container. Set the resources according to the container's needs. Ignore any networking configuration and leave it as-is. Make sure "Unprivileged Container" is unchecked and "Nesting" is checked. When asked to choose a template, select the nixos-system-x86_64-linux.tar.xz template. In the network configuration, make sure the container is connected to the vmbr1 bridge.
  7. Select the newly-created container from the left pane and click "Options". Edit "Console Mode" and set it to /dev/console. Then select "Network" from the left pane, add a new network interface called eth1 and connect it to the vmbr0 bridge.
  8. Start the container and validate that it is online at its defined IP address.
  9. Create a sops key for the machine using the command ssh -lroot <hostname> "cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" | ssh-to-pgp -o secrets/keys/<hostname>.asc. Then, update the .sops.yaml file and update <hostname>'s key and run sops updatekeys -y secrets/<hostname>.yaml.
  10. Apply changes to the configuration using deploy-rs. For example, to deply proxmox, run deploy .#proxmox.

Deploying samba active directory domain controller (otakudc)

  1. Adjust config.env for the otakudc system defined in flake.nix. Make sure activeDirectory.{domain,workgroup,netbiosName}, dnsServer, staticIpv4 and ipv4DefaultDateway are set to the expected values (to come).
  2. Run nix build .#otakudc
  3. Verify that the disk image is created in result/nixos.tar.xz
  4. Adjust the ip address/hostname of the deployed containers created in the flake.nix file in the root of the repo (should be the same value as config.env.staticIpv4 or a dns hostname pointing to that address).
  5. In the proxmox web interface, select your storage volume in the left pane and select "CT Templates", then click "Upload".
  6. Browse to the aformentioned nixos-system-x86_64-linux.tar.xz and upload it to the server.
  7. Create a new container using the "Create CT" button at the top right. Follow the wizard and set the resources according to the container's needs. Ignore any networking configuration and leave it as-is. Make sure "Unprivileged Container" is unchecked and "Nesting" is checked.
  8. Before starting the container, select it from the left pane, then click "Options", edit "Features" and check "NFS". Then, edit "Console mode" and set it to "/dev/console.
  9. Copy an existing samba active directory configuration into /var/lib/samba or initialize a new one using samba-tool domain provision --server-role=dc --use-rfc2307 --dns-backend=SAMBA_INTERNAL --realm=SAMDOM.EXAMPLE.COM --domain=SAMDOM --adminpass=Passw0rd.
  10. REstart samba with systemctl restart samba.
  11. Apply changes to the configuration using deploy-rs. To deply otakudc, run deploy .#otakudc.

Administering the active directory domain (on otakudc)

Make sure the only A/AAAA records for and are the expected static IPs of the domain controller. Samba will automatically add records for the current IP addresses it binds to on startup and this can cause unexpected results when starting up the domain controller on a development network with a different IP than the prod one.

otakudc# samba-tool dns query localhost A -U tristan
Password for [OTAKULAN\tristan]:
  Name=, Records=2, Children=0
    A: (flags=600000f0, serial=12115, ttl=900)
    A: (flags=600000f0, serial=125336, ttl=900)
  Name=otakudc, Records=2, Children=0
    A: (flags=f0, serial=12114, ttl=900)
    A: (flags=f0, serial=125333, ttl=900)
otakudc# samba-tool dns query localhost AAAA -U tristan
Password for [OTAKULAN\tristan]:
  Name=, Records=1, Children=0
    AAAA: 2001:0470:b08b:0051:0cca:14ff:fe5a:bc07 (flags=600000f0, serial=125337, ttl=900)
  Name=otakudc, Records=1, Children=0
    AAAA: 2001:0470:b08b:0051:0cca:14ff:fe5a:bc07 (flags=f0, serial=125334, ttl=900)

To remove unwanted entries:

otakudc# samba-tool dns delete localhost @ A -U tristan
Password for [OTAKULAN\tristan]:
Record deleted successfully
otakudc# samba-tool dns delete localhost otakudc A -U tristan
Password for [OTAKULAN\tristan]:
Record deleted successfully
otakudc# samba-tool dns delete localhost @ AAAA 2001:0470:b08b:0051:0cca:14ff:fe5a:bc07 -U tristan
Password for [OTAKULAN\tristan]:
Record deleted successfully
otakudc# samba-tool dns delete localhost otakudc AAAA 2001:0470:b08b:0051:0cca:14ff:fe5a:bc07 -U tristan
Password for [OTAKULAN\tristan]:
Record deleted successfully

Deploying the LAN content cache

  1. Adjust config.env for the lancache system defined in flake.nix. Make sure dnsServer, staticIpv4 and ipv4DefaultDateway are set to the expected values (to come).
  2. Run nix build .#lancache
  3. Verify that the disk image is created in result/nixos-system-x86_64-linux.tar.xz
  4. Adjust the ip address/hostname of the deployed containers created in the flake.nix file in the root of the repo (should be the same value as config.env.staticIpv4 or a dns hostname pointing to that address).
  5. In the proxmox web interface, select your storage volume in the left pane and select "CT Templates", then click "Upload".
  6. Browse to the aformentioned nixos-system-x86_64-linux.tar.xz and upload it to the server.
  7. Create a new container using the "Create CT" button at the top right. Follow the wizard and set the resources according to the container's needs. Ignore any networking configuration and leave it as-is. Make sure "Unprivileged Container" and "Nesting" are checked.
  8. Before starting the container, select it from the left pane, then click "Options", edit "Features" and check "FUSE". Then, edit "Console mode" and set it to "/dev/console.
  9. SSH into the container and create the folders for the cache using mkdir /cache/{data,logs}.
  10. Apply changes to the configuration using deploy-rs. To deply lancache, run deploy .#lancache.


First-time deploy

When running deploy-rs on a freshly-deployed contianer on proxmox, the first run will fail with this nondescript error:

WARNING: /boot being on a different filesystem not supported by
stat: cannot read file system information for '/boot': No such file or directory
no introspection data available for method 'ListUnitsByPatterns' in object '/org/freedesktop/systemd1', and object is not cast to any interface at /nix/store/i9kaw2m3zcaqasin9z714dqiy044ipz9-perl-5.34.1-env/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.1/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Net/DBus/ line 467.
⭐ ⚠️ [activate] [WARN] De-activating due to error

To fix this, you must scroll up in the log and find the path to the profile being deployed, it looks something like this:

🚀 ℹ️ [deploy] [INFO] The following profiles are going to be deployed:
user = "root"
ssh_user = "root"
path = "/nix/store/d9640wg9cic4acyis6y1f9whfmyqp1qm-activatable-nixos-system-lancache-22.11.20220712.0906692"
hostname = ""
ssh_opts = []

Then, ssh into the container and run <path>/bin/switch-to-configuration boot and then run reboot to reboot the container. Subsequent deploys will work without a hitch. I have no idea what causes this, I will need to file an upstream bug.

GPOs fail to apply in windows

If gpupdate /force fails to run because of permission issues on the the GPOs, ssh into otakudc and use the following tools to check and reset the ACLs on the sysvol share.

root@otakudc:/var/lib/samba/ > samba-tool ntacl sysvolcheck
root@otakudc:/var/lib/samba/ > samba-tool ntacl sysvolreset

Deploying configurations to cisco switches (wip/to be tested on real hardware)

Before starting, the switch must be accessible via SSH. If the switch hasn't been configured yet, it must be hooked up via a console cable and configured with a management interface, SSH host keys and an ssh server enabled. This is mostly an excercise left to the reader but something like this should do:

conf t
ip default-gateway
int vlan 10
ip address
conf t
crypto key generate rsa
! Go get a coffee/tea while this runs
line vty 0 4
transport input ssh
login local
password xxxxxxx
aaa new-model
aaa authentication attempts login 4
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authorization exec default local none
path flash:config-backup
ip scp server enable
ip ssh version 2
  1. Enable the cisco-config devShell using nix develop .#cisco-config.
  2. Enter the cisco-config folder.
  3. Run python


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