This is my personal config, but you can fork and use it as example.
It uses GNU Stow to manage dotfiles (see:
You need to have stow
installed to install those configs.
brew install stow
cd ~/
git clone
cd dotfiles
stow .
# if you already has some of the dotfiles, you can use instead of stow . :
stow --adopt . # This will generate conflicts to be solved on the dotfiles repository, make sure to fix them.
- yad
pip install: gcalcli nextmeeting
-- calendar
Mac Packages: brew tap FelixKratz/formulae brew install borders
git-delta readline openssl zlib postgresql sqlite libffi ripgrep tmux tmuxinator alacritty bash fd bat
Ubuntu Packages: sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev xclip python3-pip tmux build-essentials (try to install delta too)
To use bat theme on lazygit:
After the stow: bat cache --build
NPM: neovim diagnostic-languageserver
Gems: solargraph neovim bundler
Pip: pip3 install neovim-remote pynvim --quiet
brew install koekeishiya/formulae/yabai brew install koekeishiya/formulae/skhd