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Repository files navigation


A HTML renderer for jillix/engine.

Config example

    "template": {
        "name": {
            "to": "#css",
            "css": ["/path/file.css"],
            "httpClient": "http_client",
            "html": "/path/file.html",
            "title": "Document title",
            "position:" "beforebegin|afterbegin|beforeend|afterend"
            "clear": false,
            "leaveKeys": true,
            "dontEscape": false,
            "events": {
                "listener": [
                        "on": "event",
                        "sel": "#css",
                        "elm": "elmName",
                        "dontPrevent": true
    "states": {
        "stateA": [
                "sel": "#css",
                "element": "elmName",
                "states": ["stateB"],
                "rm": ["className"],
                "add": ["className"],
                "toggle": ["className"]

WARNING! The docs below are outdated.

HTML data attribute

The element flow option searches for elements that have a data-element attribute with that value.

<div data-element="myElement"></div>

Public mehtods

  • render (render data to a template)
  • state (activate a state)

Implementing standard configurations

This section covers "how to do" general configurations.


The navbar will be an instance of the view module.

Practical example: The composition file of the navbar nav_layout:

  "client": {
    "config": {
      "templates": {
        "layout": {
          "to": ".one-container",
          "html": "/nav.html",
          "render": true
      "defaultTemplate": "layout",
      "states": {
        "resetNav": [{
            "sel": ".navbar li",
            "rm": ["active"]
        "nav": [{
            "states": ["resetNav"],
            "add": ["active"]
      "domEvents": [{
          "on": "click",
          "selector": "li",
          "flow": "itemClick"
    "flow": [
        [":ALTR", {"data": {"url": "{}"}}],
    "markup": [
  "name": "nav_layout",
  "module": "view",
  "roles": {
    "*": true

The states are for adding the active class to the active li. The 'domEvents' triggers the 'itemClick' event on item click. Html navbar example nav.html:

<ul class="navbar">
    <li><a href="faq">FAQ</a></li>
    <li><a href="features">Features</a></li>
    <li><a href="pricing">Pricing</a></li>
    <li><a href="signin">Login</a></li>
    <li><a href="signup">Sign up</a></li>

To use the navbar in a view module instance it must be loaded:

  "client": {
    "load": [
    "config": {
    "markup": [
  "roles": {
    "*": true
  "module": "view",
  "name": "public_layout"

Footer visibility on certain pages

The footer will be a module view instance

  "client": {
    "config": {
      "templates": {
        "layout": {
          "to": "footer",
          "html": "/any_footer.html",
          "render": true
      "defaultTemplate": "layout",
    "markup": [
  "name": "footer_layout",
  "module": "view",
  "roles": {
    "*": true

The main html file which contains and empty footer:

<div id="page-content">
    <div class="_container hide"></div>

In the main composition, for ex. private_layout.json, footer_layout can be loaded and states can be used to control the footer visibility:

  "client": {
    "load": [
    "states": {
        "showFooter": [{
            "sel": "footer",
            "rm": ["hide"]
        "hideFooter": [{
            "sel": "footer",
            "add": ["hide"]

In a view module instance composition in which the footer must be shown or hidden, the following flow configuration can be used:

    "flow": [
        [":private_layout/state", "showFooter"],


    "flow": [
        [":private_layout/state", "hideFooter"],

Loader for loading pages

For page loader implementation the states can be used to control the loader visibility

In the main html file the loader must be present and hide must be the default class for the pages container:

<div id="page-content">
    <div class="pages-container _container hide">
    <div class="page-loader">Loader</div>

In the main composition, for ex. 'private_layout.json', states can be defined to control the loader visibility:

    "showLoader": [{
        "sel": ".page-loader",
        "rm": ["hide"]
    "hideLoader": [{
        "sel": ".page-loader",
        "add": ["hide"]
    "showContainer": [{
        "sel": "._container",
        "rm": ["hide"]
    "hideContainer": [{
        "sel": "._container",
        "add": ["hide"]
    "displayLoader": [{
        "states": [
    "displayContainer": [{
        "states": [

In the compositions in which the loader is needed, the flow configuration can be used to manipulate the loader state:

"flow": [
        [":private_layout/state", "displayContainer"]

In special cases (ex. service builder, service file editor) the renderedDOM event will not be the right event to be used for manipulating the loader states and thus a custom event will be needed.

"flow": [
        [":private_layout/state", "displayContainer"]

Pages inside a certain container

If a section which contains multiple pages must be added to container class, states can be used to show/hide pages

<div class="pages-container container hide"></div>

A section added to container can be similar to the following:

<div class="app-options">
    <div class="app-dashboard hide"></div>
    <div class="app-editor hide"></div>
    <div class="app-terminal hide"></div>

A view module instance composition file app_options_layout.json can be used for the section configuration. The app_dashboard, app_editor, app_terminal events from the flow configuration come from an engine-ruut module instance.

"states": {
    "hide-all": [{
        "sel": ".app-options > div",
        "add": ["hide"]
    "app_dashboard": [{
        "sel": ".app-options > .app-dashboard",
        "rm": ["hide"]
    "app_editor": [{
        "sel": ".app-options > .app-editor",
        "rm": ["hide"]
    "app_terminal": [{
        "sel": ".app-options > .app-terminal",
        "rm": ["hide"]
"flow": [
        ["LOAD", ["nav_app_layout"]]
        ["LOAD", ["app_dashboard_layout"]],
        [":state", "hide-all"],
        [":state", "app_dashboard"],
        ["LOAD", ["app_editor_layout"]],
        [":state", "hide-all"],
        [":state", "app_editor"]
        ["LOAD", ["app_terminal_layout"]],
        [":state", "hide-all"],
        [":state", "app_terminal"],


A HTML renderer for flow.







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