Emacs.d is an opinionated Emacs configuration that is based on use-package, helm (& various addons to Helm), projectile, flycheck and smartparens. For the looks, it uses dashboard, centaur-tabs, doom-modeline, kaolin-themes and all-the-icons.
For coding, it provides magit, lsp and lots of other wonderful packages I heavily rely on. All packages are all listed in the configuration files for Lisp, Rust, Vala, Golang, Java, Haskell, Javascript, Ruby, Python, etc.
Here are some sample screenshots:
- Emacs v26.x or higher
- Font IBM Plex Mono
- Ag - The Silver Searcher
- Various Language Servers, e.g. gopls (Golang), lsp-server (Rust), etc.
- Clone this repo. This will go to your
$ git clone https://github.com/otype/emacs.d.git ~/.emacs.d
- Enable your desired language support configurations. This happens in init.el.
Please check each language configuration file (see /elisp/) for related dependencies.
$ nano -w ~/.emacs.d/init.el
Add your personal email and name. Modify user.el.
Start Emacs. Emacs will auto-install all dependencies.
$ emacs
Once finished, you have a working Emacs configuration.