GitOps using TerraGrunt and Terraform to provision Google Kubernetes Engine cluster and deploy Fluxcd and Istio.
- Google Cloud Project
- TerraGrunt and Terraform
contains deployment manifest files e.g. kustomize, helm, k8s manifests.- app example bookinfo service deployment manifests
- istio manifests for deploying Itio and operator
contains Terragrunt and Terraform configurations for each environment.- demo example environment contains module inputs
contains reusable Terraform modules.- flux module for FluxCD and Helm operator
- gke module to provision Kubernetes Engine
- http-lb module for HTTP Load Balancer
- istio-neg module for Istio Ingress Gateway NEG
In the real world, you should have separated git repositories.
- Create a Service Account and assign following roles:
- Storage Admin
- Kubernetes Engine Admin
- Compute Admin
- Service Account User
- Create and download Service Account JSON key
- Set google application credentials to the JSON key
Generate new SSH key
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
Copy private key file /Users/you/.ssh/id_ed25519 to live/demo/flux/git_private_key
Copy contents of public key file /Users/you/.ssh/ Go to settings in your Github repo and Deploy keys, click Add deploy key button. Paste the public key into the key textarea and check Allow write access.
- Change
in live/demo/env.hcl to your gcp project and region - Change
in live/demo/flux/terragrunt.hcl to your git repository
Change directory to live/demo
terragrunt apply-all
This scripts will do:
- Create and keep terraform remote state in a GCS bucket.
- Provision zonal GKE cluster with preemptible node pool.
- Deploy FluxCD and Helm operator to flux namespace.
- FluxCD sync deployments from gitops directory then deploy Istio Operator and bookinfo application.
- Istio Operator install the Istiod and Istio Ingress gateway.
- The istio-neg module waiting for Istio Ingress gateway to be ready and then get its NEG name.
- Provision HTTP Load Balancer, forwarding rule and NEG backend for Istio Ingress gateway.
- Provision firewall rule for health checking NEG backend.
When Terraform execution finish, it will output ip address of the HTTP Load Balancer.
Go to the sample bookinfo URL: http://your-load-balancer-ip/productpage
To destroy all provisioned resources:
terragrunt destroy-all