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Central State ‐ Redux Store

Sahar Mehrpour edited this page Aug 7, 2024 · 2 revisions

Redux State

This app uses a central state managed by Redux. The Redux state is accessible in React components if the component is exported using connect. For example:

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(TableOfContents);

Reading the State

Redux state property values are accessible by calling mapStateToProps.

For example:

function mapStateToProps(state) {
    return {
        message: state.message,
        history: state.hashManager.history,

The returned object is mapped to the props of the component.

Updating the State

Similarly, changing values of the Redux state can be done by calling mapDispatchToProps.

For example:

function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
    return {
        onAddNewRule: () => dispatch(changeEditMode(-1, true)),

In the above snippet, onAddNewRule is a new function defined here, dispatch is a Redux function, and changeEditMode is an action function defined in actions.js.


Actions are functions defined to update the Redux state. The return value of an action is an object with type and data properties. The type value is used to specify the update type, and the data object contains the updated values. The values of the type properties are stored in reduxStoreConstants.js under reduxStoreActions.

For example:

export const updateWS = (ws) => {
    return {
        type: reduxStoreActions.action_new_ws,
        data: {
            ws: ws,


Reducers are responsible for updating the Redux state. In this app, there is only one reducer, located in reducers.js. The reducer function returns the modified Redux state.

const reducer = (state = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(initial_state)), action) {...}

The initial state of the Redux state is stored in initialState.js as initial_state.

The reducer function is implemented as a switch/case block over the type of actions.

One important rule is that the returned state should be a new object. Therefore, it should be created using Object.assign({}, state, { * new values * }).

Another internal rule is that the Redux state has a property named message. This property should always be updated with one of the values defined in reduxStoreConstants.js under reduxStoreMessages. The reason is that in many cases, components update their states based on the message value.

For example:

case reduxStoreActions.action_new_ws:
     return Object.assign({}, state, {ws:["ws"], message: reduxStoreMessages.ws_msg});