Modify volume or brightness and display result as a bar via notifications (either dunst or mako).
- Just throw the script somewhere and make sure it's in your $PATH.
- There's also an AUR package.
Barify automatically uses either mako or dunst, depending on which one it detects as running.
On mako, for now, barify simply kills existing notifications and places a new one, which is admittedly ugly. This will be fixed as soon as mako supports replacing notifications by their IDs (e.g. emersion/mako#270).
Usage: barify MODE ACTION
Modify volume or brightness and indicate level as
a bar via notifications (either dunst or mako).
barify vol up
Volume: volume|vol|v
Brightness: brightness|bright|b
Increase: up|u|inc|i
Decrease: down|dec|d
Mute: mute|m