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🎉 Discord Random Image Bot (Recuerdate)

🚀 Overview

The Discord Random Image Bot is your go-to tool for spicing up your Discord server! This bot posts random image URLs from a CSV file hosted on Google Drive, directly into your chosen channel at intervals you set. It's fully customizable, Docker-ready, and super easy to use!

✨ Features

  • 🎲 Random Image Posting: Automatically shares a random image URL from a Google Drive CSV file.
  • ⏲️ Customizable Interval: Set how often the bot should post using an environment variable.
  • 🐳 Dockerized: Simple to deploy anywhere Docker runs.
  • 🔐 Secure Configuration: Manage your sensitive data securely with environment variables.

📚 Table of Contents

📦 Prerequisites

Before you get started, make sure you have the following:

🛠️ Setup

🔗 Google Drive Setup

  1. Create a Google Cloud Project:

    • Head over to the Google Cloud Console.
    • Enable the Google Drive API.
    • Generate OAuth 2.0 credentials and download the credentials.json file.
  2. Upload Your CSV File:

    • Upload a CSV file containing image URLs to Google Drive.
    • Share the file with the email linked to your Google Cloud project.
  3. Get the File ID:

    • Right-click on your CSV file in Google Drive and select "Get link."
    • Extract the file ID from the URL (e.g., 1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H9I).

🤖 Discord Bot Setup

  1. Create Your Bot:

  2. Invite the Bot to Your Server:

    • Generate an OAuth2 URL with the bot and the necessary permissions.
    • Use this URL to invite the bot to your Discord server.

🌍 Environment Variables

You'll need the following environment variables to configure your bot:

  • DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: Your Discord bot token.
  • DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID: The ID of the channel where the bot will post images.
  • GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_ID: The Google Drive file ID for your CSV.
  • GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_PATH: Path to your credentials.json inside the Docker container (usually /app/credentials.json).
  • POST_INTERVAL_SECONDS: The interval (in seconds) between each image post.

▶️ Running the Bot

🐋 Build the Docker Image

To build the Docker image, navigate to the project directory and run:

docker build -t discord-bot-example .

🚀 Run the Docker Container

Run the container with the necessary environment variables:

           -e GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_PATH="/app/credentials.json" \
           -e POST_INTERVAL_SECONDS="30" \  # Adjust the interval as needed

Make sure to replace "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN", "YOUR_CHANNEL_ID", and "YOUR_FILE_ID" with your actual values. Adjust the POST_INTERVAL_SECONDS variable to control how often the bot posts.

🎨 Customization

  • Change the Posting Interval: Modify the POST_INTERVAL_SECONDS environment variable to set how often the bot should post.
  • Update the Image List: Simply update the CSV file on Google Drive—no need to restart the bot!

🐞 Troubleshooting

  • Bot Not Posting?:

    • Ensure the bot has the correct permissions in the Discord channel.
    • Check the bot’s logs for any error messages.
  • Can't Access Google Drive File?:

    • Double-check that the file is shared with the correct Google service account.
    • Ensure the file ID is correct.


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